Zjednotenie egyptu
Kategorie: Dejepis (celkem: 1094 referátů a seminárek)
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- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 23. února 2007
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Zjednotenie egyptu
Egyptian civilization begins with the unification of the two Lands, namely Upper and Lower Egypt, under one king. A date is often used is 3000 BC, largely arrived at by working backwards from known astronomical dates, tied in with such early regional dates, or sequences, that are known. The essential question is who was the first king who unified the two kingdoms? Tradition ascribes this feat variously to Narmer or Menes, who may well have been one and the same person. There is also a king “Scorpion” who appears on the scene. Some would place him and Narmer sequentially in “dynasty 0”, from c. 3150 to 3050 BC.Before we look at the surviving record of the battle leading to the unification of Egypt we must ask ourselves if its possible to deduce any factors which might have given impetus to the struggles of about 3000 bc. It seems to me that underlying the grand strategy of welding upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom were ecological pressures. There is every indication that the climate became much dryer during the early third millenium BC. A hyperacidity that resulted in the loss, from Egypt to Nubia, to the Saharan rainbelt and to the east African savanna, of the elephants, giraffe and rhinoceros. In addition, to flood water was covering almost a third less arable area then previously. Water for crops was now therefore at a premium and made demands on the ingenuity of the canal managers. A larger labor force and more systematic layout of channels feeding water to the fields became paramount. Cooperative expansion over local territorial divisions in the south pushed the domain of the overlord of Upper Egypt to the borders of the Northern Kingdom. Conflict was inescapable. The ancient Egyptian civilization starts its record at about 3150 BC. The first era of the civilization is known as the “0” dynasty and is represented by the “scorpion” and the Pharaoh who has united upper and Lower Egypt. The “Scorpion” appears for the first time on the fragmented so called “scorpion” macehead, a kind is seen in full ritual dress with ritual bulls tail hanging from the back of his belt, wearing the tall White crown (hedjet) of upper Egypt and performing a ceremony using a hoe or mattock. This most probably represents opening the dykes ritually to begin the flooding of the fields or he could be cutting the first furrow to the foundation of either a temple or of a city.
The decorative frieze around the remaining top of the macehead has lapwings hanging by their necks from vertical standards. This little bird “Rekhyt” in hieroglyphs means “common people” and their fate would seem to indicate that they have been overcome by the victorious king “Scorpion”. However many battles Scorpion fought in Lower Egypt, the credit for the total unification must be given to King Narmer or Menes. The most impressive monument is the Narmer plate. It shows a victorious King whose name appears within a serekh- the early form of presenting royal names- at the head of both sides between facing heads of the cow-faced goddess Hathor. Narmer is shown in two aspects respectively the White Crown of Upper Egypt (hedjet) and the Red Crown of Lower Egypt (deshret), proving that he is now king of both lands. Later, the dual monarchy was to be shown by both crowns being worn together, one inside the other, and forming the Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt (the shemty). The principal scene has a large figure of Narmer wearing the White Crown and smiting with upraised mace a prisoner whom he grasps by the forelock. This is the earliest occurrence of what was to become an ‘icon of majesty’ throughout the rest of ancient Egyptian history, right down to Roman times. This proves how great Narmers achievement was and of what great significance it was to the later development of the Egyptian society. .