Storstrom County - Denmark (Tourism and Local Agenda 21)
Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)
Informace o referátu:
- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 05. července 2007
- Zobrazeno: 2789×
Příbuzná témata
Storstrom County - Denmark (Tourism and Local Agenda 21)
1) What does Storstrom County consist of?Storstrom County costists of a group of islands- the three largest of which are Lolland, Falster and Mon- and the Southern part of Sealand. The County covers 24 municipalities.
2) When was Storstrom County Local Agenda 21 action plan adopted?
County’s Local Agenda 21 was adopted by the County Council in November 1997.
3) Is the County’s commitment to sustainable development recent?
No. The County has been involved in the “Green Region Project” since 1991, even before the Rio Conference.
4) What are the main business sectors in the County’s economy?
The main business sectors are the metal and electronics industries, food and beverages as well as agriculture- with special emphasis on grain and sugar beet coltivation.
5) Is tourism an essential sector of activity in the County’s economy?
No. Tourism is not a particularly important sector of activity in the County’s economy.
6)What are the main aims of Storstrom County’s Local Agenda 21?
The L.A.21 action plan was not prepared in view of any particularly serious environmental problems. Although agricultural pollution does exist, industrial activity is strictly regulated. Bathing waters are of high quality, and the County boasts a large number of “Blue Flag” labels. Does the Local Agenda 21 have a curative aim?
7) What are the main problems concerning sustainability?
Strostrom County’s priority for sustainability has been to take steps to reduce the amount of energy and natural resources consumed by companies. - the period 1991 to 1994: the efforts were concentrated in the fields of cleaner technology, ecohousekeeping, green tourism
- 1994-1996: green citizen services, sustainable agriculture, eco-education, international cooperation
- since 1997: relation between environment and health, environment and culture as well as education for sustainable development
8) What are the most important tourist-related actions undertaken by the County?
- Environmentally-friendly tourism enterprises (ETE). Its objective is to support the enterprises in their attempts to becoming more environmentally friendly enterprises, reducing their consumption and their load on the environment.
The objective is to create awareness and motivation and to improve competencies in tourism enterprises on environmental management by using various instruments such as: information on environmental management concepts, labeling schemes and specific environmental measures; training courses on environmental issues, like water and energy conservation, environmentally safer washing...; annual campaigns; advisory activities, management materials...
- Eco-labeling of holiday houses (the first project of this kind in Europe). The labeling system is composed of nine criteria and the house must obtain at least four of them to qualify for the environmental certificate. Environmentally-friendly holiday houses get better promotion.
- Participation in the “Green Key” national labeling scheme for hotels, including 85 criteria
- Partecipation in the project “Destination 21”. The aim of the project is to develop criteria and indicators for the sustainability of tourist destination and to identify and certify tourist destination that can live up to these criteria as “Destination 21”. LA21 can be used in this case to achieve a combination of goals like ‘to meet a preventive aim’, ‘to address existing problems’, to strike balance between the needs of tourists and residents’ and ‘to stimulate sustainable development.