Winchester, U.K. (Tourism and Local Agenda 21)

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

Winchester, U.K. (Tourism and Local Agenda 21)

1)Which is the dominant sector of Winchester's economy?
The district of Winchester is largely cominated by service sector employment, including: tourism, public administration, armed service, finance and electronics.
2) Economically speaking, is the area poor?
No. Unemployment in the area is consistently below national and regional averages.
3) What are the main architectural and cultural attractions?
Winchester offers a combination of interestings architesture, independent retailers and heritage attractions. The Cathedral, where the authore Jane Austen is buried, the replica Roun Table of King Arthur that has hung in Winchester’s Great Hall for over 600 yeares, national monument to King Alfred in the broadway..; in the summer season prize-winning floral displays, open air events in the streets and Abbey Gardens..
4) What about the transport network?
The city enjoys goo transport links; it takes one hour drive from London and less than 40 from the ferryports of Southampton and Portsmouth. It taked an hour from London by train (it means that also Heathrow International Airport with connections to the UK and Europe is an hour away), and benefits from direct train services from Scotland and the Midlelands. Southampton Airport is 20 minutes’drive from Winchester. 5) Does tourism represent an important sector of the district’s economy?
Yes, tourism is a mainstay of the district’s economy. Tourism spending supprts a lot of jobs (around 4,000) in the Winchester district.
6) What are the main tourism environmental effects which British historic cities have been
struggling with?
Erosion, congestion, pollution and intrusion. 7) What negative impacts do they cause on the local resident’s perception?
Resident perceive a conflict of interests that diminishes their quality of life. 8) How the district demonstrated its commitment to the principles of sustainable development?
Winchester’s tourism service played a significant role in demonstrating how the district’s commitment to the principles of sustainable development could be integrated into a service area.

9) Why Winchester’s tourism strategy can be defined as a distinctive one?
The current tourism strategy is distinctive in the way that it associates ideas on sustainability with the development, management and marketing of Winchester as a tourist destination.
10) What themes and actions does Wichester’s Local Agenda 21 focus on?
It focuses on long-term development and strategic objectives, underpinned by the 13 themes of Local Agenda 21 in a bid to optimise the contribution of tourism to the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the district. Actions directly supporting these themes include:
- consuption and waste (promotin principles of green tourism among local providers)
- pollution (promoting alternative forms of transport, provide an efficient public transport system)
- wildlife and nature (marketing outdoor pursuits to direct visits away from sensitive areas)
- local focus (exploiting local characteristics and history in marketing strategy- to attract visitors and to enhance local pride)
- equity (promoting a wide selection of accomodation and attractions, offering a range of prices to meet most budgets...)
- economy and employment (encouraging the expansion of tourism onfrastructure to rural areas...)
- health (influencing tourism suppliers to develop their own health-oriented products)
- access for all (spreading awareness of the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995)
- community safety (contributing to the district’s Crime Prevention Group and Community Safety Pannel; working with the City Centre Management Group)
- education and information (provision of quality information for residents and visitors)
- local democracy (creating opportunities for local people)
- culture and leisure (raising awareness of local cultural and leisure facilities)
- local distinctivness (marketing themes and developing produvts based on local features and specialities)
11) Who were the key players in the preparation and implementation process of the Local Agenda 21?
Winchester City Council’s LA 21 Working Group including City Councilors, representatives from local interest groups and amenity bodies, other local authorities, voluntary groups and residents. The tourism strategy is similary devised in consultation with stakeholders, customers and residents. Key partners are Hampshire County Council, the Southern Tourist Board and other district authority tourism services. What does this partnership ensure?
This partnership approach ensures synergy between the actions of tourism suppliers and influencers, leading to reak sustainable development. It is not confined to the formnal strategy-formulation process, but continues throughout the year to carry forward joint projects and maintain positive communications.

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