School system

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

Informace o referátu:

  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 23. září 2006
  • Zobrazeno: 3153×

Příbuzná témata

School system

schools : 1. PRE – SCHOOL EDUCATION – nursery and kindergarten
2. PRIMARY EDUCATION – Elementary, Basic, Fundamental
3. SECONDARY EDUCATION – grammar school
comprehensive school (obchodná)
boarding school (internátna)
high school (stredná škola)
apprentice school (učňovská škola)
private X public
pay fees free of charge

exams: pass X fail
entrance exams X final exams

the curriculum
compulsory X elective

loans (pôžičky) / grants(dotácie) / scholarships(štipendium)

2-3 nursery


11 8y Grammar school

From Grammar school you can go on the university.
From Comprehensive school or Apprentice school you have to go at the college and then you can go at the university.

School system in USA
grades – A, B, C, D, F
(fail # win / failure # winner)
Desks are only for one.
Anybody who wants to go to college must have high school diploma and SAT (Scholastic aptitude test – multiply choice questions a), b), c), d) )
A student starting high school is called a freshman (14-15 y)

9th grade - Freshman
10th grade - Sophomore
11th grade - Junior
12th grade – Senior (17 – 18 y)

Students take classes in English, Maths, History, Science, Physical education and have elctives in art, music.
Students get grades of A, B, C, D, F for each subject. To graduate, student need enough credit.

The British education system

5: start school
6 – 11: primary school
at the age of 11, they had 11 + exam = IQ test (cancelled now)
11 – 16: secondary school grammar school (academic)
comprehensive school (70%)
16: exam called GCSE – General certificate of secondary education – 7 subjects “0 levels” (ordinary)

18: “A” level = 6th form – 3 subjects (grades A, B, C, D)

college, university, higher education - fees

secondary school
public = private 16 000 $
state 25 000 $
One lesson takes 45 – 50 min.
lessons from 900 a.m., lunch break, to 400 p.m.
elective X voluntary = orchestra, sport clubs
compulsory school attended – 11 years (5y – 16y)
no entrance exams

term – polrok
nursery, kindergarten – materská škola
grammar school – gymnázium
private – súkromný
public – verejný
pay fees – platiť poplatky
free of charge – bez poplatkov, zadarmo
pass – prejsť, urobiť skúšku
fail – prepadnúť
entrance exams – vstupné skúšky
final exams – záverečné skúšky , maturity, štátnice
curriculum – učebné osnovy
compulsory – povinný
elective – voliteľný
grade – známka
desk – lavica
called – volaný
science – veda
physical education – telesná výchova
art – umenie
graduate – absolvovať, vyštudovať.

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