Prehľad anglickej gramatiky
Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)
Informace o referátu:
- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 07. dubna 2007
- Zobrazeno: 122838×
Příbuzná témata
- Prehľad anglickej gramatiky
- Úloha presbyteriánov v anglickej revolúcii
- Význam nizozemskej a anglickej revolúcie pre európsky vývoj
- Človek v boji za slobodu a humanizmus v nemeckej, francúzskej a anglickej literatúre
- Človek v boji za slobodu ahumanizmus v nemeckej, anglickej a francúzskej literatúre preromanizmu a romantizmu
Prehľad anglickej gramatiky
PRESENT SIMPLE – Prítomný jednoduchý čas- opis deja, ktorý sa pravidelne opakuje
- I wake up every mornning. Vstávam každé ráno. - zmyslové vnímanie, pocity duševné pochody
- I think it is a good idea. Myslím, že je to dobrý nápad.
Príslovky: every + day, week, weekend, year, morning...
I do HE does koncovka s alebo es
YOU don't SHE doesn't reads
WE do we IT does it? cry – cries
Ak sa pred Y nachádza spoluhláska, mení sa na ie ( fly - flies)
PRESENT CONTINUOUS – Prítomný priebehový čas
- opis deja ktorý práve prebieha
I'm writing. Píšem.
- ako sťažnosť hovoriaceho:
- Our teacher is always giving us tests. Učiteľka nám často dáva testy.
- always – vo význame very often
- My sister is forever losing her keys. Moja sestra stále stráca kľúče.
Príslovky: Just now, at the moment
I am doing HE is doing
YOU are doing SHE is she doing ?
WE are not doing IT is not doing
PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE – Predprítomný jednoduchý čas
Have / has + Past participle
- 1. opisuje udalosť, ktorá sa začala v minulosti a zasahuje do prítomnosti
- často v súvislosti – niekedy v živote
- Have you ever been to Paris? Bol si niekedy v Paríži?
- ak očakávame, že sa niečo stalo, alebo ak sa niečo stalo skôr, ako sme čakali
- The train hasn't arrived yet. Autobus ešte neprišiel.
- The train has already arrived. Autobus už prišiel. - 2. opisuje dej, ktorý začal v minulosti, aj v minulosti skončil, ale nie je dôležité kedy
- I have been to London. Bol som v Londýne. vo význame – Bol som už v Londýne. Príslovky: Already, yet, ever, this year, today, this week, so far.. I have done HE has done
YOU have not done SHE has not done
WE have we done? IT has it done?
Past participles: pravidelné - + d or + ed open - opened, nepravidelné – 3. tvar slovies
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS – Predprítomný priebehový čas
have / has been + present participle
- Priebehové časy sa používajú pri dôraze na dĺžku času činnosti
- I have been waiting for 2 hours. Čakám dve hodiny. vo význame Čakám už 2 hodiny.
Present Perfect simple Present Perfect continuous
ak ide o dlhodobú alebo trvalú činnosť ak ide o dočasnú situáciu alebo činnosť
My parents have lived in Zvolen for all I have been living there for two month.
theirs lives.
Moji rodičia bývajú Bývam tu dva mesiace.
vo Zvolene celý život. Na zdôraznenie výsledku Na vyjadrenie neukončenosti alebo zdôraznenie
I have done it. Už som to urobil. pokračovania činnosti. I have been reading a book. Čítam knihu.
vo význame Mám rozčítanú knihu.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE – jednoduchý minulý čas
+ -(e)d or irregular verb ( 2. tvar )
- vo vzťahu k udalosti, ktorá začala v minulosti a v minulosti aj skončila
- I had a book. Mal som knihu. Predpoklad, že knihu už nemám. - v minulom čase sa udáva presný čas, kedy sa dej uskutočnil
- I read book yesterday. Včera som čítal knihu. Predpoklad, že kniha je dočítaná.
- následnosť dejov v minulosti
- When I heard the bell, I went to the door. Keď som počul zvonec išiel som k dverám.
I did HE did
YOU didn't SHE did not
WE did you IT did she ?
Question: Did you open the door. Otvoril si dvere ?
Did you opened the door? Vo vete môže byť iba jedna minulosť !!
PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE- Minulý priebehový čas
had been + -ing
- skončený dej v minulosti, kde je dôležitá dĺžka trvania udalosti a udáva sa aj presný čas, kedy sa udalosť konala
- I was reading a book for three hours. Čítal som knihu tri hodiny. Predpoklad, že knihu som dočítal. I was doing HE was doing
YOU weren't doing SHE was not doing
WE were we doing ? IT was it doing ?
PAST PERFECT SIMPLE TENSE – predminulý jednoduchý čas
HAD + Past Participle
- označuje dej ktorý sa začal aj skončil v minulosti ešte pred nejakou inou minulosťou
- pomocou before
- I had learned English, before I went to USA. Učil som sa Anglicky, než som išiel do USA.
- I had been in the shop, before you came. Bol som v obchode, predtým ako si prišiel.
- pomocou after
- After I had come from school, it started to rain. Keď som prišiel zo školy, začalo pršať. I had done HE had done
YOU hadn't done SHE had not
WE had you done? IT had she done?
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE – predminulý priebehový čas
- vyjadrenie dlhšie trvajúcej činnosti, ktorá skončila pred inou minulosťou
- I had been writing for a five minutes, before you come.
Čítal som 5 minút, predtým ako si prišiel.
- After I had been watching TV, you came.
Keď som dopozeral TV, ty si prišiel.
I had been doing HE had been doing
YOU hadn't been doing SHE had not been doing
WE had you been doing? IT had she been doing?
FUTURE TENSE – budúci čas
- opisuje dej, ktorý sa stane v budúcnosti
- budúcnosť môžeme vyjadriť dvomi spôsobmi – Will / shall a going to
- will sa používa na vyjadrenie budúcnosti, ktorá nie je istá, nie je plánovaná
- I will go to town. Pôjdem do mesta. vo význame Možno pôjdem do mesta.
- going to sa používa na vyjadrenie blízkej plánovanej budúcnosti, s udaním presného času
- I am going to town this afternoon. Pôjdem do mesta poobede. v zmysle určite
- predpoveď založená na pocitoch, alebo na tom, čo je zjavné. - It is going to rain. - v otázke ako zdvorilá žiadosť o informáciu will be + -ing
- Will you be coming soon? Prídeš skoro?
- činnosť, ktorá bude ukončená v nejakom okamihu v budúcnosti will + have + been + -ing
- I will have been working in this office for 5 years.
- I'll have been working in this office for 5 years next year. Na budúci rok to bude 5 rokov, ako pracujem v tomto úrade. SINGULAR – množné číslo
1. Pravidelné tvorenie množného čísla – pridaním -s alebo –es
boy - boys, toy – toys, holiday – holidays, letter – letters, cat – cats, ....
2. Pravidelné zo zmenou v slove pridaním –s, pričom Y, pred ktorým sa nachádza
spoluhláska sa mení na ie. fly – flies, baby – babies, ...
Pravidelné zo zmenou v slove pridaním -es, pričom f sa mení na v: loaf – loaves
3. Nepravidelné - man – men, tooth – teeth, foot – feet, child - children
Word order - slovosled
1. Subject 2. Verb 3. Object indirect 4. Object direct 5. Adverbial
Podmet Prísudok Nepriamy predmet Priamy predmet Príslovkové určenie
spôsobu miesta času
We were playing chess in room yesterday.
She gave me a red apple.
POSSESSIVE CASE - privlastňovací tvar
pri podstatných menách v jednotnom čísle pridaním 's: father's, mother's
pri podstatných menách v množnom čísle pridaním ' : cats' , dogs'
pri podstatných menách v množnom čísle, ak majú nepravidelný tvar 's: men's, children's
GENER – rod
Podstatné mená, ktoré majú pre mužský a ženský rod iný tvar.
Masculine Feminine
boy girl man woman
bachelor spinster nephew niece
bridegroom bride sir madam
brother sister son doughter
comedian comedienne uncle aunt
father mother lord lady
fiance fiancée king queen
gentleman lady husband wife
hero heroine
Podstatné mená, ktorých ženský rod Podstatné mená, ktorých rod sa tvorí pomocou
sa tvorí pridaním –ess. zložených slov
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
emperor empress boyfriend girlfriend
god goddess male teacher female teacher
heir heiress tom-cat pussy-cat
host hostess policeman policewoman
lion lioness landlord landlady
prince princess
tiger tigress
COUNTABILITY – počítateľnosť
Countable počítateľné Uncountable nepočítateľné
loaf bread
bottle milk, water, petrol
packet meat, salt, fruit, ...
Nepočítateľné slová sú tie, ktoré označujú nejakú hmotu: bread, milk, meat
Počítateľné sú slová ktoré udávajú tvar veci alebo veľkosť: loaf, bottle, packet
- two loaves of bread dva bochníky chleba
- three bottles of water tri fľaše vody
Many Much a lot of
Many - veľa pre počítateľné podstatné mená
Much – veľa pre nepočítateľné podstatné mená
a lot of – veľa pre všetky podstatné mená, pričom sa nepoužíva v zápore
Countable Uncountable
počítateľné nepočítateľné
many veľa much veľa
few trochu/málo a little málo
all všetko all všetko
a lot of veľa a lot of veľa
many apples much water
few lemons a little af salt
all the books all the water
Pieces kusy, časti, jednotlivosti
a piece of cheese, chocolate, cotton
a slice of bread okruh chleba
a sheet of paper hárok papiera
a loaf of bread bochník chleba
a grain of sand zrnko piesku
a bar of chocolate tabuľka čokolády
a lump of sugar kocka cukru
a bit of meat kúsok mäsa
a tube of toothpaste tuba zubnej pasty
a jar of jam pohár džemu
a cup of tea šálka čaju
Modal verbs – modálne slovesá
vyjadrenie povinnosti – pomocou slova have to
past minulý present prítomný future budúci
I had to have to will have to
YOU didn't have to don't have to won't have to
WE did we have to? do we have to? will we have to?
HE had to has to will have to
SHE didn't have to doesn't have to will not have to
IT did it have to? does it have to ? will it have to?
CAN - be able to
I / HE could can will be able to
YOU / SHE couldn't cannot won't be able to
WE / IT could we? can we? will we be able to?
You have to be tired. Musíš byť unavený. ( určitosť )
The key may/might be in drawers. Kľúč môže byť v zásuvke. ( pravdepodobnosť )
Do not eat it! It could/may/might be poisonous. Nejedz to! Môže to byť otrávené. ( možnosť )
Zákazy a príkazy.
Forbidden - zakázaný
Prohibited - zákonom zakázaný
Permitted - dovolený
Illegal - nelegálny
1. tvar It is forbidden to parking here. Parkovať tu je zakázané.
2. tvar Parking here is forbidden.
3. tvar You are not allowed to park here.
Pri zákazových nariadeniach sa môže použiť must alebo musn't, ale len v neformálnych prípadoch. You musn't smoke in cinemas! Nesmiete fajčiť v kinách!
You musn't cross the road on the red man! Nesmiete prejsť cez cestu na červenú!
To possess drugs is illegal! Držanie drog je nelegálne!
GERUNDS – gerundiá
gerundium sa tvorí pridaním koncovky -ing
Druhy tvorenie gerundií:
1. len pridaním koncovky –ing ski – skiing, box – boxing, sail – sailing, ...
2. pridaním koncovky ing, pričom odpadá e na konci slova
write – writing, skate – skating, cycle – cycling, ...
3. pridaním koncovky ing a zdvojenie poslednej spoluhlásky u jednoslabičných slov
swim – swimming, run – running, ...
I like skating. Mám rád korčuľovanie.
He likes climbing. Má rád horolezectvo. need + gerund
Brakes need checking. Brzdy potrebujú skontrolovať.
Tyre need replacing. Pneumatika potrebuje vymeniť.
IF CLAUSE 1 - podmienkové vety 1 skutočné podmienky
If present simple future (will, going to), may, can, might
may – väčšia pravdepodobnosť
might – veľmi malá pravdepodobnosť vo význame – azda, snáď
Vzťahuje sa na budúcnosť a je možné, že sa činnosť uskutoční.
If you drop it, it will break. Ak ti to spadne, rozbije sa to.
If he asks me, I might help him. Ak sa spýta, možno mu pomôžem. IF CLAUSE 2.
If past simple would, could, might + infinitive
If I lived by the sea, I would do a lot of swimming. Keby som býval pri mori, veľa by som plával.
If you walked faster, you would catch the bus.
Keby si išiel rýchlejšie chytil by si autobus.
Vzťahuje sa na prítomnosť alebo budúcnosť. Podmienka môže byť:
If I were you, I would accept it. Keby som bol tebou, prijal by som to. málo pravdepodobná:
If I had a lot of money, I would buy a castle. Keby som mal veľa peňazí kúpil by som si zámok.
IF Past perfect would, could, might + Perfect infinitive
If you had walked faster, you would have caught the bus.
Keby si bol išiel rýchlejšie, bol by si stihol autobus.
If he had worked harder, he could have passed the exams.
Keby bol viac pracoval, mohol urobiť skúšky.
Vzťahuje sa na minulosť, na neuskutočnené situácie.
ZERO CONDITIONAL – nulová podmienka
If Present simple Present simple
If you press the button, the machine switches on.
(Ak zatlačíš tlačítko, stroj sa zapne)
If má význam ako When
Nulová podmienka sa používa na inštrukcie alebo všeobecne platné tvrdenia.
RELATIVES PRONOUNS who, which, that
Používajú sa pri opise nejakej veci:
1. It is a thing which we use for biking. 2. It is a thing which is used for fishing. who – pri opise osôb
which – pri opise zvierat a vecí
that – pri opise zvierat, vecí aj osôb
The man who is wearing shirt is John. Muž, čo má oblečenú košeľu je Ján. POZOR: pred who, which, that sa nedáva čiarka
What's on the TV tonight?
We have lunch at 11 o'clock.
Look in the programme guide.
Programmes on BBC2 finish at half past one in the morning.
Who's in the play on channel 4?
at home at five o'clock
at school at four o'clock
on the floor on Tuesday
on the Earth on Friday
in the box in January
in the garden in the summer
DIRECT and INDIRECT – priama a nepriama reč
Nepriama reč v Angličtine sa tvorí pomocou slova said alebo told.
V nepriamej reči sa časy posúvajú o jeden stupeň do minulosti:
Present simple – Past simple
Present continuous – Past continuous
Past simple – Past perfect
Present perfect – Past perfect
Past perfect – Past perfect
will – would
can – could
am / is / are / going to – was / was / were / going to
"Be quiet!" He told him to be quiet.
"Come here, please!" He asked me to come here. ( asked vo význame požiadať )
Požiadal ho, aby prišiel sem.
"Open the window, please." I asked him to open the window.
"My name is Peter" He said his name was Peter. "I was in library, yesterday." He said he had been to library, yesterday. "I have writen a letter." He said he had writen a letter. "I will go to school." He said he would go to school. "I'm going to sleep." He said he was going to sleep. INDIRECT QUESTION – nepriame otázky
tell – uvádza len nepriamu reč He told me he know me well.
say – uvádza priamu aj nepriamu reč He said: "I am here for an hour"
na zopakovania otázky sa používa slovo asked. ako spojky sa používajú opytovacie zámená who, which, where, what,.. a spojka whether( či )
POZOR: V nepriamej otázke je slovosled rovnaký ako v oznamovacej vete.
"Where you in London last year?" I asked him whether he was in London last year."
Spýtal som sa ho, či bol v Londýne minulý rok.
"Where were you last night?" I asked him where he had been last night.
Spýtal som sa ho, kde bol minulú noc.
"Have you been to Australia, before?" I asked him whether he had been to Australia, before.
Spýtal som sa ho, či už predtým bol v Austrálii.
Ukazovacia zámená sa menia podľa situácie:
This (these) that last year the year before
here there next week the following week
now then, that time, immediately
today yesterday, that day
yesterday the day before, the previous day
tomorrow the next day, the following day
that (že) I know that he is very clever.
whether (či) Ask him whether it is time to go.
when (keď) When I come back I shall go to cinema.
till, untill (kým, pokiaľ) Let's wait till the rain stops.
after (keď) It always rains after I have cleaned windows. before (skôr, než) Have some tea before you go.
since (odvtedy čo) I have not seen her since she left the town.
as soon as (len čo) I will come as soon as I finish working.
no sooner...than (len čo) Eva had no sooner sat down than the bell rang.
while (kým, zatiaľ čo) Please be quiet while I am talking to you.
as (keď, ako tak, zatiaľ čo) I saw him as he was getting off the bus.
as long as (pokiaľ) You can stay here as long as you like.
though, although Though he is small, he is very strong.
(hoci, aj keď)
in spite of (the fact that) In spite of the fact that she is young, she is experienced girl.
(hoci, napriek tomu, že)
as (pretože, keďže) As you are tired, you would better take a rest. because (pretože) I drink because I am Thirsty.
since (pretože, keďže) Since we have a lot of work, it is better to start early.
unless (ak nie, keď nie) I shall leave at four unless they phone me.
if (ak, keby) If she comes, I will tell her.
provided (ak; s podmienkou, že) They will lend me the money provided that I return it.
supposing (that) (za predpokladu Supposing white were black you would be right.
povedzme, že)
that, in the order (aby) In the order save some time we will fax the information. so that (aby) I wrote it in my diary so that I would not forget. Spôsobové
as (ako, tak ako) She does not speak as other teachers do.
as if (ako keby, ako by) She behaved as if nothing had happened.
so .. that (tak, že) It was so heavy that he could not move it.
such .. that (taký, že) It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep.
not as (not so) .. as (nie tak .. ako) It was not so far as we expected.
as .. as (tak .. ako) He likes me as much as I like him.
than (ako, než) John speaks French more fluently than Peter does.
Adverbs – príslovky
Tvorenie prísloviek – pridaním –ly k prídavnému menu
slow – slowly, fast – fastly, quick – quickly, bad – badly, ...
lazy – lazily, happy – happily, easy - easily - Y sa mení na i
simple – simply, true – truly, .. odpadá e
Stupňovanie prísloviek
1. Pravidelné
1. stupeň 2. stupeň 3.
pridaním er pridaním est s použitím člena the
soon sooner the soonest
hard harder the hardest
early earlier the earliest
2. Nepravidelné
far futher the farthest
well better the best
much more the most
little less the least
3. Stupňovanie prísloviek, ktoré majú viac slabík
pomocou slov - more, the most
expensive more expensive the most expensive
different more different the most different
Stupňovanie prídavných mien je rovnaké ako stupňovanie prísloviek.
PRONOUNS – zámená
neurčité zámená
some, any
some – sa používa v kladnej oznamovacej vete
I saw some people. Videl som nejakých ľudí.
any – sa používa v otázkach a záporných oznamovacích vetách
Have you seen any thief ? Videl si nejakého zlodeja ?
I have not seen any thief. Nevidel som nijakého zlodeja.
Privlastňovacie zámená
This is my book. It is mine. It is ours.
These are your toys. They are yours. They are yours. It is his dog. It is his. It is theirs. It is her ring. It is hers.
Zdôrazňovacie zámená
1. Používajú sa v prípade ak hovoríme, že niečo sme urobili sami:
I do it myself. Urobil som to sám.
We do it ourselves. Urobili sme to sami.
2. Ďalej sa používajú v prípade, ak hovoríme o niečom, čo sa vzťahuje na istú osobu.
I washed myself. Umyl som sa.
NUMERALS – číslovky
Základné Radové
one firth
two second
three third
four fourth
five fifth f sa mení na v
ten tenth
twenty twentieth y sa mení na ie
twenty-two twenty-second
twenty-three twenty-third
Počtové výkony
Addition sčítanie
7 + 3 = 10
seven plus/and three is/equals/makes/are equal to ten
Subtraction odčítanie
8 – 2 = 6
eight minus/take away two is six
Multiplication násobenie
6. 6 = 36
six multiplied by/times six is thirty six
Division delenie
15 : 3 = 5
fifteen divided by three is five
three into fifteen is five
Vyjadrenie nuly v rôznych prípadoch:
v matematike 0 = nought
teplota 0 = zero
telefónne číslo 0 = oh
športy 0 = null
tenis 0 = love
Prepositions - predložky
Predložky by, on a, in a sa používa pri vyjadrení spôsobu cestovania.
plane bicycle
boat motorcycle
by car by train
in a lorry on a horse
spaceship sledge
on foot
Verbs of transport
ride is used with forms of transport, which :
- sit on (for example: horse, bicycle, sledge)
-travel in a passenger (train, bus, car)
sail -is used with water transport (ship, boat, ...)
fly -is used with air transport (helicopter, plane, spaceship, ...)
sail, fly usually mean operating the vehicle, not travelling as passenger
drive - is used only with land transport and only means operating the vehicle
I drove a bus. (Not as a passenger)
Question tags (v slovenčine prívesok - "však")
Nachádaza sa na konci vety (väčšinou oddelený čiarkou) a tvorí sa:
negáciou slovesa TO BE v hlavnej vete is – isn't, isn't - is
2. ak sa v hlavnej vete nachádza plnovýznamové sloveso tvorí sa negáciou slovesa DO
do – don't, don't - do
Your name is John, isn't it. Your name isn't John, is it ?
You like fruit, don't you ? He doesn't know her name, does he ?
kladný postoj: like (páčiť sa) - love (milovať) - admire (obdivovať) - adore (zbožňovať)
záporný postoj: don't like - dislike - hate (nenávidieť) - can't stand (nemôcť vystáť)
neutrálny postoj I don't mind. (Nevadí mi)
What mistakes English speakers do ?
False friends
1. What is your program for the weekend ? Aký je tvoj program na výkend ?
Correct: What are your plans for the weekend ?
Reading is a great relax for them. Correct: Reading is good relaxing. We never use relax as noun – only as verb.
I don't like a films which have happy end. Correct: I don't like films with happy ending. 2.
I do a lot of mistakes. Correct with noun mistakes: I make a lot of mistakes.
I control a homework. We never use control this way. You can control a car but not homework.
Correct: I check (or correct) a homework. (homework – not homeworks !)
It is 37 grades in the sun and 29 grades in the shadows.
correct: It is 37 degrees in the sun and 29 in the shade.
Let's sit in the shadows. correct: Let's sit in the shade. But we say that every object makes the shadow.
question: Who ate all of the biscuits ? answer: Me not.
correct answer is: Not me.
I'm living in the hotel for 3 months.
correct: I'm staying in the hotel for 3 months. 6.
I visit the gymnasium. Chodím na gymnázium.
correct: I go to high school. gymnasium = telocvičňa
7. It is on to you. Je to na tebe.
correct: It's up to you.
8. Welcome is usually used with preposition TO, so, we say this:
Welcome to the school. Vytajte v škole.
Welcome to new collective. Vytajte v novom kolektíve.
... but we say this: Welcome in my home.
I make a photo. He make an X-ray.
correct: I take a photo. He takes an X – ray.
10. We do not say fingers on foot, but we say it other way:
toes – are the small things at the end of foot. 11.
Words which have different meaning than in Slovak, but they are written similar way.
not good meannings
English Ţ Slovak Slovak Ţ English
actual .... skutočný aktuálny .... topical
blanket .... prikrývka blanketa .... form
confection .... cukrovinky konfekcia .... ready-made clothes
control .... riadiť, viesť kontrolovať ... check
eventually .... nakoniec, časo m eventuálne .... possibly
host .... hostiteľ hosť .... guest
genial .... dobrý, priateľský geniálny .... of genius
gymnasium .... telocvičňa gymnázium .... high school
mode .... spôsob móda .... fashion
novel .... román novela .... story
petrol .... benzín petrolej .... kerosene
stadium .... štadión štádium .... stage
sympathy .... súcit sympatia .... liking
We never read email adress ( this way:
Shark snail yahoo dot com but Shark at yahoo dot com
I'm an external teacher here.
correct: I'm a part time teacher here. or I teach here part time.
You cannot use chief to describe any boss. Chief is the head of Indian tribe or the head of a police or fire department. We never use chef to say "šéf". Chef means a person who works in hotel restaurant and he is skilled a talented at cooking. šéfkuchár
I cannot say that your mum is great cooker. She can only be a great cook. Cooker means sporák in Slovak.