Marie-Galante, Freach Carribean (Tourism and Local Agenda 21)
Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)
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- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 05. července 2007
- Zobrazeno: 1812×
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Marie-Galante, Freach Carribean (Tourism and Local Agenda 21)
1) Where is the community of Marie-Galante located?The community of Marie-Galante is located in the Carribean. It is a French territory, an island administratively attached to the overseas department of Guadeloupe. 2) How is the community financed?
The Community is financed through direct taxation and by additional funding for investments from the public authorities. 3) What about its local context?
Marie-Galante is a small, essentially rural and marittime island. Which are the main activities?
Its main activities are agriculture (sugar cane production) and processing (rum), fishing, and handicrafts. 4) What about its cultural identity and natural environment?
The island has remained on the sidelines of development and modernisation. It has retained a strong cultural identity and relatively well-preserved natural environment. 5) What is its social context?
Social context is poor. Which are the main social problems in Marie-Galante?
Major social problems include unemployment, low income (dependent on social welfare) and the exodus of trained manpower. The island is heavily dependent on funding from mainland France and the EU.
6) Is tourism developed on the island?
No. Tourism in Marie-Galante is still largely undeveloped. Foreign investors are few and far between, and development is in the hands of the locals.
What type of tourism does prevail?
Tourism is typified by beach tourism and green tourism with short stays of between one and three days.
7) What is the main potential of the island?
Major potential fot the island is that it has remained as authentic island enjoyed by connoisseurs, it has retained its customs and boasts magnificent landscapes and well-preserved shoreline. 8) What are the main problems concerning sustainability?
Population decline (rural exodus and emigration), social and economic decline (high unemplyment, lack of motivation and resignation amongst the local population), deterioration of certain coastal environments and waste from urban areas, and presence of tourism (diving), pollution of agricultural origin and over exploitation of the forests, poorly controlled urbanisation and loss of rural areas and locally degradated landscapes. There is a threat of uncontrolled tourist development.
9) What are the main goals of the Local Agenda 21?
The Local Agenda 21 aims essentially at ensuring the social sustainability of the island’s development: improving the living conditions and welfare of its inhabitans, raising standard of living. The overall strategy aims at promoting the socio- economic development of Marie-Galante, whilst protecting the island against the denaturing of its environment and local culture which would likely be irreversible. Marie-Galante’s Local Agenda 21 is also a social and cultural project that goes beyond the effects of image and clientele: mustering the majority of the population behind a forward-looking project based on consensus. Is is based on the permise that sustainable development is not a naturalistic slogan, rather a manner of thinking, a way of analysing existing development, and a conceptual and methodological framework for retargeting socio-economic development on protecting and sharing natural resources and assets. 10) What are the main tourism-related actions to be taken in Marie-Galante’s Local Agenda 21?
Marie-Galante’s Local Agenda 21 encourages a balance between sectors, and the integration of tourism in the island’s traditional activities of agriculture and crafts.
In term of tourism the strategy aims to:
- avoid the risk inherent in tourism development and retain Marie-Galante’s strong identity compared with other Carribean destinations
- encourage a type of tourism that contribues to the aims of the island’s social and economic development, helps to bring down unemployment, and boosts resident’s income
- encourage integrated tourism that complements agricultural activity (meals, visitor reception, etc.) and allows farm to be maintained
LA 21 actions help promote:
- tourism as a complement of other activities
- locally-controlled tourism
- better quality provision
- soft tourism based on the island’s natural and cultural assets
- green tourism that involves the island’s interior, rather than beach tourim alone
Overall strategy:
- to prepare a specific sustainable toruism plan
- to set up a Tourist Office and bookings centre
- to create a “Marie-Galante: So true!” collective trademark
- to promote the destination’s image and its own specific characterics within the Carribean context, focusing on quality and sustainability
- to develop networking with the neighbouring islands
Improving the quality of accomodation and services:
- to audit and up-grade hotels, lodgings and guesthouses, with ratings
- to rehabilitate the entire accomodation pool
- to create a high-level hotel industry with limited carrying capacity
- to create a small-scale, flexibly structured and reversible yachting harbour with no heavy infrastructure
- to encourage the gradual replacement of the pool of hire cars with electric vehicles
- to promote the gastronomy of Marie-Galante
- to create rambler paths and island discovery circuits
- to train locals as heritage and natural tourist guides
- to rehabilite the historic heritage to create museums and eco-museums...
Assisting companies involved in implementing Local Agenda 21:
- to facilitate access to credit for companies respecting the principles of sustainable development
- to finance technical or marketing advice for small companies being set up
Involving local players and citizens and raising public awareness:
- to consult citizens about the LA21 by setting ip a Standing Forum on sustainable development
- to set up a training centre specialised in sustainable development
- to regularly organise clean-up operations for the beaches , lagoons and coastal areas by professionals and local volunteers
11) Does the Local Agenda 21 cover the destination as a whole?
Yea, the strategy is sharped at island level- it covers the destination as a whole.