What Are the Necessary Changes Slovakia Must Go Through in Order to Be Able to Join and Be Successful within the EU?

Kategorie: Ekonómia (celkem: 556 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 05. července 2007
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What Are the Necessary Changes Slovakia Must Go Through in Order to Be Able to Join and Be Successful within the EU?

For a smooth process of joining EU and being successful within this community, Slovakia will have to go through some changes, which help to the country become competitive, economically stronger and help to approach to the standard level of EU countries. These changes could be for example accepting of Euro currency or building of new infrastructure. Not less important thing in order to support travel and tourism is increasing capacity of accommodation for travelers, and improving quality of services which are some way connected with this kind of business. Products similarly like services will have to adapt on European market very quickly, where are already valid some basic principles and rules for distribution and selling of products. For example, EU is very strict about hygienic norms of food products selling in member countries. Another important fact, which is pointing out, by EU officials is current level of corruption, which should be changed already before Slovakia joins EU. Decreasing of corruption is significant during realization of project financing from European funds. Realization of all mentioned changes will be task not only for government, but for all regular people living in Slovakia as well, and they can together create a new look for new candidate country and later for new member.
Building of new and repairing of already existing infrastructure can be one of the goals, that Slovakia will attract more foreign investors, than before. Quality highway and railway connection is priority of country, which would like to get more investments from abroad. It’s very important mainly within automobile industry in Slovakia, which is developing very rapidly. Quickly expanding automobile industry requires quick transport of all necessary parts for making cars. This is one of the reasons, why Peugeot and Citroen are planning to build up a brand new factory in Trnava rather than in the central or eastern Slovakia. If one kind of transport fails, can be replaced by another. Is very probably, that factory will use more railway connection, which is more reliable, faster and cheaper than often overloaded highways from Bratislava to Trnava.

Sufficiently covered area by quality infrastructure can be a mirror reflexion of investments coming from other EU member countries or overseas to Slovakia.
Slovakia should be ready in advance for competitive by setting the highest quality standard for products and services in order to meet criteria towards EU countries. Majority of industry production in Slovakia consists of food products. Food industry has been always traditionally represented in Slovakia. Already before planning entry in 2004 most of the producers in Slovakia already optimized production facilities and methods with optimal recommendations and practices of EU standard norms. EU has very strict rules regarding distribution of food products on its area. After Slovakia enter EU, all barriers and restrictions will disappear and only barrier on the free open market will be the language. Slovakian producers will have to improve quality, innovation changes, and speed of production and customer service. 450 million consumers in EU will become for Slovakian producers very big challenge to synchronize technological practices and policy of supply with market of EU.
In order Slovakia achieves economic success and improvement of living standard, has to reasonably utilize money coming from EU funds to support programs for developing of countryside and has to avoid any possible corruption. All money coming from EU to support programs PHARE, SAPARD and ISPA should be considered carefully, which area or region of Slovakia will be invested into. Future of these less developed regions is depends on how much money will be invested. Regions with less developed infrastructure, which do not have so much industry, could be attractive for foreign tourist for example and make more money from travel and tourism. Here is important to focus on facilities and capacity of hotels, and to enable easy access to attraction, which current region offers and are situated highly in the mountains, like north-east region for example. Ministry of any kind should realize that even small impulse of help to one contractor to get contract could handicap the others when they are dealing about certain expensive contract for government. Unfair choice of job supplier can disappoint other contractor whose offer was even better. Importance of equity while doing important decisions and reasonably utilization of investments are and will be very important aspects of successful membership in EU.
Chances, which EU offers are great and it is up to each candidate country if will take it or not. If Slovakia wants to become full member of EU, has to go through some changes. Thanks to them can achieve better lifestyle for its population and success for whole country like a unit.

Areas where the changes should apply are for example infrastructure, development of travel and tourism, utilization money from EU right way and decrease number of corruption. These major changes ought to help Slovakia quickly adapt to the European system and become one of the next successful countries within EU.

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