Moral development of Huckleberry Finn

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

Moral development of Huckleberry Finn

I do not Need Advice from People Who Are Less Mature than I Am:
The Moral Development of Huckleberry Finn and the Seriousness of Mark Twain
Huck Finn is a young boy, who lives with a widow to protect himself from tyranny. He is also very mature so he can judge situations like an adult. He can make as hard of a decision as to leave home. This is the character which Mark Twain describes in his book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Decisions which Huck makes are rational and that is not ordinary for a fourteen-year-old kid. Huck chooses to leave home and apologize to a black boy. By analyzing this theme one can identify that inner power, maturity, sense of beauty and intelligence make Huck a person with values.
Huck decides to leave the cabin because he cannot suffer under Pap's cruelties any more. He is imprisoned in the cabin and beaten by Pap every day. In this situation Huck do not have any choice except for the escape. He cannot stay with his father; Huck's fear and his hatred are much stronger than their relationship. Giving up shelter and family is never easy even if your father is more a master than a friend. Where will he go without money, food and friends? What will he do in the future? These or similar are questions which are in Huck's mind, but his aversion to his father are stronger, so he cannot think about anything else. This is not the only situation when Huck shows his intelligence.
History made a relationship between masters and their servants unequal but Huck decides to break that rule. A young boy, who is just joking around, does not pay attention to the effect, so he can hurt somebody. That is Huck's case. His reaction is to apologize even when Jim is a black boy. I think Huck's choice is not between an apology or not but it is judgment of his friendship with Jim. "An outcast, Huck distrusts the morals and precepts of the society that labels him a pariah and fails to protect him from abuse. This apprehension about society, and his growing relationship with Jim, led Huck to question many of the teachings that he has received on race" as Pumphrey said in her reflection (6). Jim is careful and so Huck does not look at society requests but makes him equal to himself.
Huck Finn is boy who can make fast decisions and carry their consequences.

It is not difficult to decide in everyday situations, but what about moments when your decision changes your entire life? Leaving family is never easy, even if I go to a place like the United States and I will be back in a year, it is tough to say good bye. I know it because of my personal experience. Huck does not know whether he will see his friends again, he does not know whether he will ever come back. He decides to leave his home because Pap does not have any reason to punish him.
Indeed, "Huck is thoughtful, intelligent (though uneducated), and willing to come to his own conclusions about important matters, even if these conclusions frequently contradict society's norms." (Pumpherey 4). Huckleberry Finn leaves home and apologizes to a slave. For the people of the 21st century this statement means to leave a comfortable position and work as a street sweeper in the poor part of the city. That sounds strange, but I cannot see any differences. Mark Twain tries to show that a boy without any education knows what morally right is, so he is an example for those who are blind and can see life just through power and dictatorship. Huck Finn, who is running away from his father at the beginning, is no more just a boy or character in Mark Twain's book; he is the embodiment of the author's vision about the world.

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