Lučenec - The City Where I Live

Kategorie: Geografia (celkem: 1046 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Datum přidání: 23. února 2007
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Lučenec - The City Where I Live

Lučenec is the natural geographical center of the southern part of Central Slovakia and the cultural, economic center of historical region Novohrad. The first written document about Lučenec originates is the instrument of King Béla IV. Dated August 3. 1247 in which it is name Luchunch. The dominant of the town is the city historical zone, the center of which is the Kubinyi Square with historical buildings of Catholic and Calvinist churches, the Reduta and the Town Hall. The tourist can spend their day by a visit to Novohradské Museum and Novohradská Gallery, enjoying the architecture of old town houses, shopping in specialized shops, as well as having a nice time in the pleasant atmosphere of cafes and restaurants where they will be offered the specialities and wine of Novohrad. After completion of the exhibition area, the conditions will be created for development of trade and congress tourism. A suitable place for leisure and relax is the town park connected with a sport area.
People who like nature can go on trips in the surroundings of Lučenec, where there are reservations with interesting flora and fauna. After all this you can rest a while in small cafes and restaurants drinking good coffee and eating desserts. It together with Mayor MUDr. J. Murgaš were awarded a medal “Golden biatec 1996” as the first town in history for creating exceptional good cultural, social and enterprise environment and conditions. The district of Lučenec, a history proved center of the Novohrad region and a natural geographic core of southern parts of the Mid-Slovakian Region evidences, according to the data gathered during census of population, houses and flats, performed on November 1st, 1980, 95, 557 inhabitants living in 72 villages taking an area of 1,318 square kilometer. Most of the population is of Slovak nationality but southern parts of the district inhabit also by Hungarian nationality folks (23 percents).
The northwest and northern parts of the district neighbor upon districts of Zvolen and Banská Bystrica respectively, opposite its east borders lies the district of Rimavská Sobota; the whole southwest and the west neighbor upon Veľký Krtíš and south of the district has its borders common with Hungary.
Most of the district with its northern parts especially is hilly, dotted with scattered farm settlements. The hills naturally belong to “Slovenské rudohorie” and “Cerova vrchovina” called highlands.

Heights above the sea level range from 162 to 1118 meters. Middle part of the district is relatively flat, markedly so along the river Ipeľ, with its soil being the most fertile of the whole territory.
The river Ipeľ is quite a large one, especially when taking into account its tributaries: creeks called Krivánsky and Tuhársky potok, Banský potok and Poltarica. The river Rimavica which then flows on to enter a larger river called Rimava and flowing through the district of Rimavská Sobota cuts northern part of the district apart. Beside the mentioned ones also lesser or larger brooks and creeks vivify the numerous forested highlands valleys, enabling agricultural production on the along lying flats and basins. Nevertheless shortage of natural humidity, so needed in agriculture, provoked construction of dams at Ružiná, Tomášovce, Veľké Dravce, Lučenec, Uhorské and Mýtna; these are now supplying enough volumes of water and recently serve as recreational resorts too.
Climatic conditions vary significantly as being determined by the geographic position in the firs place and, on the other hand, by great differences in profile of the landscape. The southern parts enjoy rather a pleasant clime, but the northern ones are in general more coarse. The annual temperatures reach approximately 9,1 °C, precipitation cca 500 mm.
Direction of the winds prevailing is northwest. The climate is typically continental presenting itself with many particular characteristics. Summer in the Lučenec basin is usually hot, with many sunny days and relatively few rains. The feature had sure influenced selection of the Lučenec airport at Boľkovce for center of the Parachutism World Cup Championship in August 1982. The championship has pushed the district of Lučenec into sub – consciousness of the world.
The agricultural soil stocks total falls into five types enabling various production spheres. In general center-european brown soil prevails, occasionally interrupted with medium heavy and rocky grounds. 57,9 percent of the soil is arable while 35,1 percent of the district surface is forested. Socialization of the agriculture is complete, with fifteen co-operative farms and three state farms in successful continuous operation.
Raw materials concerning nonferrous ores with relatively rich deposits of magnesite ore, limestone, ceramic and infractory clays deposits, caoline sands and construction stones are being nonstop explored.

Archaeological remains dating from the neolithic period, from bronze age and the age of great nations´ migration, found near Lučenec, Breznička, Prša, Ábelová, Halič and Fiľakovo document the region being settled by pre-historic people already. Lučenec, Fiľakovo, Poltár and many other localities were found mentioned in documents dating back as far as to the 13th century A.D. In 1241 the region suffered from invasion of the Tatar tribes.
Lučenec and the areas adjacent played an important role during the Hussite revolutionary movement. The Hussite Jan Jiskra from Brandýs resided at the nearby situated Halič castle. The famous battle at Lučenec, fought in 1451, is immortalized in Alois Jirásek´s “Brotherhood” titled trilogy. In the middle of the 15th century the “brothers” forces, representing radical revolutionary wing of the Hussite movement, operated all over the district. “The brothers” founded also several villages, as documented in surviving names of villages as Praha, České Brezovo, and the like.
The second half of the 16th century (1553 – 1570) was marked by 40 years long Turkish domination; the Turkish forces conquered Divín, Fiľakova and Halič castles first, then they gradually occupied the whole region. Both 17th and the 18th century were characterized by estatial struggles and antifeudal rebellions. In 1662 Lučenec was burnt down. In the course of anti-Habsburg rebellions of F. Rákoczi II., culminating between 1703 – 1709, the population took part in struggle against the feudal lords, too. The years introducing the 20th century were, owing to unfavourable living conditions, marked by emigration of masses to almost all European countries, but mostly to the oversea regions. World War I badly tormented the country population as app 1500 local people were killed at various battlefields. In June 1919 the region was incorporated into the Slovak Republic of Councils. Twenty years of the pre-Munich bourgeois republic provoked the people to continue in their struggle against being sweated and also to fight for “ job and bread”; the struggle was organized by the Communist Party-led working class. The first local organizations of the Communist Party were established as early as in 1921, namely at Lučenec, Poltár, Kalinovo, etc.
The 1938 bourgeois and allies` treason resulted in Nazi supremacy over the region. Its southern parts were occupied by the Horthy forces, north was, on the other hand, governed by Tiso`s fascist clique. Significant volume of the district population but never agreed with the Nazi politics; the fact reflected in their participation in the Slovak National Uprising.

Over 1000 district people took an active part in guerrilla fights and many more of them both morally and materially supported the fighting kinsmen. During December 1944 to February 1945, following heavy fights the district was liberated by the famous Soviet Army. Over 2100 Soviet soldiers and officers lost their lives during the short period. Thankful people have honoured memory of the soviet victims and fallen heroes of the Slovak National Uprising by memorials founded at Lučenec, Poltár, Kokava nad Rimavicou, Cinobaňa, Fiľakovo, Radyovce, Budiná, Halič, Lovinobaňa, Divín, and many other villages.
The period 1945 – 1948 was also at the district of Lučenec qualified by heavy political fights for continuation of the national-democration to socialistic revolution. But only post the 1948 victory of the working class enjoyed the district its real, never until then experienced, economic and cultural growth outlined, designed and led by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Thanks to an early international help coming from the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, as well as thanks to deeprooted class-consciousness of a significant volume of the population was the growth never stopped by counter-socialistic forces in 1968, and so is the Lučenec District free to quietly continue the socialistic construction.
Literally at all towns and villages of the district dozen of new schools, houses of culture, health service stations and shopping centers were built up, topped by thousands of luxurious new flats and family houses. The quality and extent of services performed by local economical units, by productive collective units, and small Popular Committees workshops improve from year to year. Network of roads and railtracks is completely rebuilt and each and any village of the district has regular connections provided either by train or by buses. Services for motorist are furnished by specialized workshops at Lučenec and Fiľakovo, respectively. There is lot of petrol stations.
Various branches of industry of the district are represented by Kovosmalt – national enterprise Fiľakovo, standing at the first place, but also by many other enterprises: Lute textile works Lučenec – Opatová, ZŤS Lučenec, glassworks at Poltár, Zlatno, Katarínska Huta, Málinec and Utekáč, automobile repairs are performed at SAO Lučenec,..

North of Lučenec, at locality of Tuhár raw marble is exploited – processed and sharped parts of it decorate numerous buildings both in Slovakia and abroad.
The Secondary grammar school of Lučenec was founded in the 17th century and more than a century before now the „Teacher´s Academy“, again at Lučenec, was established. At present is the town attracting many students by its numerous secondary schools and other educational establishments. Beside the Secondary grammar school, bearing the name of Božena Slančíková Timrava, here is the pedagogical school, school of construction engineering, secondary school of economy, schools of agriculture and medicine, institutions for training in transportation, construction, machinery and glassery – Poltár and maby other specialized schools.
From among many famous natives of the district we can randomly mention Štefan Katona – historian, born at Boľkovce, Samuel Mikovíny – cartographer, ornitologist J.Š. Petian from Ábelová, natural scientist Ján Fábry and Kubíny brothers from Lučenec, doctor Pavel Kolbáň from Ozdín, poet Bohuslav Tablic from České Brezovo, academic painter Július Szabó, national artist Božena Slančíková Timrava from Polichno, and we have to add that there are many many others. Actually is here Jožo Pročko from Halič, who is wery famous.
For those interested in historical and cultural remains we can offer an invitation to the Novohrad museum, now temporarily moved over to Fiľakovo , trips to remains of Fiľakovo, Šomoška, Divín and Halič castles, visits to commemorative room of Božena Slančíková Timrava, to the Novohrad Art Gallery at Lučenec and to ethnologicdal room at Kokava nad Rimavicou.
From geological point of view very interesting basalts and basalt tuffs may be seen near both Lučenec and Fiľakovo, the minerals proving past volcanic activities. Extremely unique is especially the Šiatorská Bukovinka waterfall consisting of basaltic minerals.
Visitors to the district are offered many recreational opportunities, especially by the abovementioned water reservoirs near Lučenec, Tomášovce, Ružiná and Mýtna. Very good climatic and terrain conditions for winter sports wait ready at the centres near villages Látky and Kokava nad Rimavicou – Háj. Within city limits of Lučenec one can enjoy beuties of a walk through the unique communal park or through the forest park. The motorist are welcommed to the Halier motel and camp, positioned on crossroad of the 50/I state road and touristic paths. The tourists shall sure enjoy the view of beautiful nature of valleys along the river Ipeľ, along the Tuhársky creek but also beauty of village Látky and Kokava nad Rimavicou surrounding country dotted with unique and typical woodland farms and featured by favourable winter – skiing conditions.

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