Kennedy - Family
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Kennedy - Family
JACQUELINE KENNEDY ONASSISJacqueline Kennedy Onassis was born Jacqueline Lee Bouvier and brought up in wealthy surroundings.
She attended Vassar College and in 1952, while working as a photo-journalist for the Times-Herald, met John F. Kennedy.
The couple wed in 1953 and had three children, Caroline, John and Patrick, the later of whom died two days after his birth.
When Jackie Kennedy became First Lady she took pride in making the nation's capital a center of culture.
She was riding beside her husband when he was shot and killed in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
She remarried Aristotle Onassis in 1968 and was again widowed when he died in 1975.
John F. Kennedy, the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, a financier and later a U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, received a B.S. from Harvard in 1940.
After serving in the Navy from 1941-1945 JFK served as a representative in Congress from 1947-1953.
He was elected senator in 1952 and reelected in 1958.
In 1960, Kennedy ran for the Democratic nomination and defeated Republican Richard M. Nixon in the general election.
He became America's 35th and first Roman Catholic President.
Space flights and satellite technology were greatly developed during the Kennedy years.
JFK also backed civil rights.
In 1961, when an invasion of anti-Castro Cubans, under the direction of the Central Intelligence Agency, failed to establish itself at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, the Kennedy administration suffered a severe setback.
JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
Robert Francis Kennedy was attorney general of the United States and Senator, who might have succeeded his brother John F. Kennedy had he, too, not been assassinated.
Robert Kennedy was strongly committed to civil rights and attracted wide attention with his new ideas, courage and humanitarian approach.
Kennedy, who was known by the name "Bobby", sharply criticized the Johnson administration for its involvement in the Vietnam war.
He reluctantly challenged Johnson in the 1968 Presidential elections, but was assassinated in a Los Angeles hotel after winning the California primary election.