Elvis Presley biography

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Elvis Presley biography

Singer, actor. Born Elvis Aaron Presley, on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. An only child (a twin brother, Jesse Garon, was stillborn), Presley was raised by his parents, Gladys and Vernon, in a poor and extremely religious home. As a boy, he sang with his local Assembly of God church choir, emulating the style of African-American psalm singing. At age ten, he won a school singing contest and taught himself the rudiments of the guitar (although he never really could read music).
In 1948, Presley moved with his family to Memphis, Tennessee, where he graduated from high school in 1953 and began working as a truck driver and studying evenings to be an electrician. Later that year, he made a private recording for his mother at the Memphis Sound Studio, where he attracted the attention of proprietor Sam Phillips, who owned and produced for Sun Records, a fledgling blues label. In July 1954, Phillips had Presley record his first single, "That's All Right, Mama" and "Blue Moon of Kentucky," a synthesis of rhythm-and-blues and country-and-western that was for awhile described as "rockabilly." The record made an immediate impression on local listeners, who were bewildered to learn that Presley was white. Their overwhelming enthusiasm for his style of dress, bodily movements, and music signaled the beginnings of rock & roll.

Presley toured the South as the Hillbilly Cat and performed on a Shreveport, Louisiana radio station. After releasing his first national hit on Sun Records, he moved to RCA Records under the tutelage of his ambitious personal manager, "Colonel" Tom Parker. Though his first national television appearance came in 1955 on Jackie Gleason's Stage Show, it was his 1956 appearance on Ed Sullivan's Talk of the Town that made him a national sensation: his pelvic gyrations on that program were considered so scandalous that he was shown only from the waist up. It was during this time that Elvis became engaged to 18-year-old June Juanico from from Biloxi, Mississippi, his first fiancée--before Priscilla. That same year, Presley released his first million-selling single, "Heartbreak Hotel," and starred in Love Me Tender, the first of 33 relatively bland movies he eventually made. Forced to interrupt his career while serving in the U.S. Army (1958--60), Presley returned to his recording and movie careers with undimmed success and solidified what became virtually an industry.

Presley scored his last chart-topping single in 1969; in 1973, his television special, Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii, was broadcast to a potential worldwide audience of over a billion people. From then on, he carved out a new career as a flashy nightclub performer, even as he broadened his repertoire to include traditional and religious songs. In 1973, following his divorce from his wife Priscilla Beaulieu Presley, he became increasingly drug-dependent and overweight, and he spent his last years living reclusively at his Memphis home, known as Graceland.

Presley’s death in 1977, at age 42, shocked his many admirers, who have never given up on the music, mementos, and memory of the man they regard as “The King of Rock & Roll.”


1956 Elvis Presley Albums
1956 Rock 'N' Roll Albums
1956 Love Me Tender Films
1956 Elvis Albums
1957 Loving You Albums
1957 Jailhouse Rock Films
1957 Elvis' Christmas Album Albums
1957 Loving You Films
1958 King Creole Films
1958 King Creole Albums
1958 Elvis' Golden Records Albums
1959 For LP Fans Only Albums
1959 A Date With Elvis Albums
1960 G.I.Blues Albums
1960 Flaming Star Films
1960 G.I.Blues Films
1960 Elvis' Golden Records Albums
1960 Elvis Is Back! Albums
1960 Elvis Is Back! Albums
1961 Blue Hawaii Albums
1961 Wild In The Country Films
1961 Something For Everybody Albums
1961 Blue Hawaii Films
1961 His Hand In Mine Albums
1962 Girls Girls Girls Films
1962 Kid Galahad Films
1962 Follow That Dream Films
1962 Pot Luck Albums
1963 Fun In Acapulco Albums
1963 It Happened At The World's Fair Films
1963 Fun In Acapulco Films
1963 Girsl! Girls! Girls! Albums
1963 It Happened At The World's Fair Albums
1964 Elvis' Golden Records, Volume 3 Albums
1964 Roustabout Albums
1964 Roustabout Films
1964 Viva Las Vegas Films
1964 Kissin' Cousins Albums
1964 Kissin' Cousins Films
1965 Flaming Star and Summer Kisses Albums
1965 Tickle Me Films
1965 Elvis For Everyone Albums
1965 Girl Happy Films
1965 Harum Scarum aka Harem Holiday Films
1965 Girl Happy Albums
1965 Harem Holiday Albums
1966 California Holiday Albums
1966 Frankie And Johnny Albums
1966 Frankie And Johnny Films
1966 Paradise Hawaiian Style Films
1966 Paradise, Hawaiian Style Albums
1966 Spinout Films
1967 Clambake Films
1967 Easy Come Easy Go Films
1967 Double Trouble Albums
1967 How Great Thou Art Albums
1968 Clambake Albums
1968 Live A Little Love A Little Films
1968 Speedway Films
1968 Elvis - TV Special Albums
1968 Elvis' Golden Records, Volume 4 Albums
1968 Speedway Albums
1968 Double Trouble Films
1968 Stay Away Joe Films
1969 Change Of Habit Films
1969 The Trouble With Girls Films
1969 Charro! Films
1970 On Stage February 1970 Albums
1970 From Elvis In Memphis Albums
1971 I'm 10,000 Years Old - Elvis Country Albums
1971 Elvis Sings the Wonderful World Of Christmas Albums
1971 That's The Way It Is Albums
1971 Love Letters From Elvis Albums
1972 Elvis Now Albums
1972 Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square Garden Albums
1972 He Touched Me Albums
1973 Elvis Albums
1973 Raised On Rock Albums
1973 Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite Albums
1974 Elvis Recorded On Stage In Memphis Albums
1974 Good Times Albums
1974 A Legendary Performer, Volume 1 Albums
1974 Hits Of The 70s Albums
1975 The Elvis Presley Sun Collection Albums
1975 Today Albums
1975 Having Fun With Elvis On Stage Albums
1975 Promised Land Albums
1976 From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee Albums
1977 Welcome To My World Albums
1977 A Legendary Performer Albums
1978 The '56 Sessions, Vol.1 Albums
1978 Elvis' 40 Greatest Albums
1978 He Walks Beside Me Albums
1979 Our Memories Of Elvis Albums
1979 Elvis Aaron Presley Albums
1979 Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas Albums
1979 The First Year Albums
1979 The '56 Sessions, Vol. 2 Albums
1979 Elvis - A Legendary Performer, Volume 3 Albums
1980 Elvis Presley Sings Leiber And Stoller Albums
1980 The King .. Elvis Albums
1981 Elvis Answers Back Albums
1981 Guitar Man Albums
1981 This Is Elvis Albums
1981 This Is Elvis (compilation) Films
1981 The Ultimate Performance Albums
1982 The Sound Of Your Cry Albums
1982 Personally Elvis Albums
1983 Jailhouse Rock/Love In Las Vegas Albums
1984 A Golden Celebration Albums
1984 The First Live Recordings Albums
1985 Rare Elvis Albums
1986 Essential Elvis Albums
1993 Elvis From Nashville To Memphis: The Essential '60s Masters Albums
1994 Elvis Gospel: 1957-1971 Albums
1995 Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70s Masters Albums
1996 Presley - The All Time Greats Albums
1996 Elvis 56 Albums
1996 Great Country Songs Albums
1996 A Hundred Years From Now Albums
1997 Great Country Songs Albums.

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