Casablanca (film)
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Příbuzná témata
Casablanca (film)
žáner: romantická melodráma, vojnový film, hudobný film, kriminálka, politický film, protifašistický filmrok: 1942
štát: USA
réžia: Michael Curtiz
scenár: Julius J. a Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch
kamera: Arthur Edeson
hrajú: Humphrey Bogart (Richard „Rick" Blaine), Ingrid Bergmanová (Ilsa Lund), Paul Henreid (Victor Laszlo), Claude Rains (Reanult), Conrad Veidt (Strasser), Peter Lorre (Guillermo Ugarte)
ocenenia: Oscar 1944 za film, réžiu, adaptovaný scenár
kultovosť: herecké obsadenie a scenáristi, muzika (As Time Goes By), scény (hostia v Ricks Café predspevujú svoju Marseillaisu nemeckým vojakom, ktorí si nôtia Wacht am Rhein) a dialógy
Yvonne: Where were you last night?
Rick: That´s so long ago, I don´t remember.
Y: Will I see you tonight?
R: I never make plans that far ahead. Renault: And what in Heaven´s name brought you to Casablanca?
Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters. Re: The waters? What waters? We´re in the desert.
Ri (laconically): I was misinformed. Strasser: What is your nationality?
Rick (evasively): I´m a dunkard (Laughter.)
Reanult: And that makes Rick a citizen of the world. Rick: Of all the jin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
Rick: You can playd it for her, you can play it for me.
Sam: Well, I don´t think I can remember...
R: If she can stand itm I can. Play it!
Rick to Ilsa: Here´s lookingh at you, kid. (Dívám se ti do očí, maličká)
Rick to Renault: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.