Bilbo Baggins (My Favourite Character)
Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)
Informace o referátu:
- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 01. července 2007
- Zobrazeno: 1902×
Příbuzná témata
Bilbo Baggins (My Favourite Character)
It´s fifty years old hobbit. Hobbits are a little people about half our height.This is called Bilbo Baggins and (like each hobbit), also this doesn´t like adventures. But one day,when he was smoking his tobacco-jar, a very wise wizard called Gandalf came to his house and told him about adventure he is preparing. Gandalf also told him,that he wanted him to be burglar,to stole the dragon´s treasure.Bilbo was laughting,because every body knows,that hobbits hate adventures,But when Gandalf told him some of his stories,something woke up in Bilbo and he knew,that this adventure is for him. So from this, we can say ,that Bilbo is very brave and curious. Like each hobbit, also Bilbo loves eating. In his comfortable hobbit-hole are many pantries full of food.When he was at the adventure with the dwarves, many times he saved their lives. He was like their leader (at the end of the adventure).