175 English Sayings (+ translation)

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 05. července 2007
  • Zobrazeno: 15342×

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175 English Sayings (+ translation)

Put yopur shoulder to the wheel.

Prilož ruku k dielu.

All is fish that comes to the net.
Všetko v sieti sú ryby.

All that glitters is not gold.
Nie je všetko zlato, čo sa blyští.(Zdanie klame)

A stitch in time saves nine.
Jeden rez(steh) v pravú chvíľu zachráni deväť.

A word to the wise is enough
Múdremu napovedz

All roads lead to Rome

Money breeds money

After a storm comes a calm
Po búrke prichádza bezvetrie

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom
Unca šťastias je lepšia než libra múdrosti

Better be born lucky than wise
Úspech záleží viac na šťastí než na múdrosti

Appearances are deceptive
Zdanie klame

Beauty is but skin-deep
Krása je len lstivá slupka

First impressions are most lasting
Najdlhšie trvajú prvé dojmy

Experience must be bought
Skúsenosť sa musí platiť (vlastnými chybami)

Experience is the best teacher

Learn to walk before you run

Beggars bags are bottomless
Žobrácka taška je bezodná

Blood is thicker than water
Krv je hustejšia než voda

Fire is a good servant but a bad master

If the mountain doesn't go to Muhammed, then Muhammed must go to the mountain

Forbidden fruits is sweetest

Fortune knocks once at everyone's door

Health is not valued till sickness comes

He that is down needs fear no fall
Ten, kto je dole, sa nemusí báť, že spadne

If it were not for hope, the heart would break

Every cloud has a silver lining
Každý mrak má striebornú pošívku

It is a long road that has no turning

Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea
Aj najlenivejšia rieka sa niekde dokľukatí do mora

Ill news comes apace

It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good

The last drop makes the cup run over

It was the last straw that broke the camel's back

It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others

The more the merrier
Viac a veselšie (Čím viac priateľov, tým veselšie)

Least said, soonest mended
Neskoro povedané, najskôr napravené

Speech is silver, silence is golden

Long absent, soon forgotten (Out of sight, out of mind)
Zíde z očí, zíde z mysle

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Neprítomnosť spôsobuje, že v srdci rastie láska

Lookers-on see most of the game
Diváci vidia viac z hry (než herci)

The wish is father to the thought

Misfortunes never come singly

Every medal has two sides

It never rains but it pours
Nikdy neprší, ale leje

Necessity knows no law

No man is a hero to his valet
Žiadny pán nie je hrdinom svojmu sluhovi

Familiarity breeds contempt
Dôvernosť plodí opovrhnutie

No man is indespensable
Žiadny človek nie je nenahraditeľný

No news is good news

Sweet are the uses of adversity
Sladké sú výskedky nešťastia (Problémy a smola učia človeka byť statočným a citlivým k problémom iných)

Prevention is better than cure

Still waters run deep

Pity is a kin to love
Súcit je príbuzný láske (ak začnete niekoho ľutovať, je to ako by ste ho začali milovať)

The best things are hard to come by
Najlepšie veci sa ťažko získavajú (priateľstvo, česť, múdrosť)

Love is blind

The longest day must have an end

Tommorow is another day

It is the first step, that is troublesome
Každý začiatok je ťažký (Začiatok je najťažšia časť každého diela)

There is many a slip between cup and lip
Je mnoho úskalí medzi pohárom a perou

Do not count your chicken before they are hatched

There is many a true word spoken in jest
V slovách povedných žartom je mnoho pravdy

There is no royal to learning
Neexistuje žiadna kráľovská cesta k vzdelaniu

There is no time like the present
Nie je žiadny iný čas než prítomnosť

Two is company, three is none

There is safety in numbers
V množstve je istota

Time and tide wait for no man

To be forewarned is to be forearmed
Byť predom varovaný znamená byť predom vyzbrojený

True love never grows old

Where there's a will, there's a way
Všetko ide, keď sa chce (Však, pán premiér?)

Truth will conquer

Two heads are better than one
Viac hláv viac rozumu

There is no smoke without fire

Walls have ears

When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window

Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis bolly to be wise
Kde hlúposť je blahom, je pošetilé byť múdrym (Niekedy je lepšie nevedieť, než vedieť)

Truth lies at the bottom of a well
Pravda leží na dne studne

Where (or while) there's life there's hope

You cannot see the wood for the trees

You can't eat your cake and have it
Nemôžeš jesť koláč tak, aby z neho neubúdalo

You can't get blood out of a stone

You dig your grave with your teeth
Kopeš si hrob svojimi zubmi (= tým, čo ješ)

Never say die; um, man, and try

A drowning man will catch at a straw

A good name is sooner lost than won

A merry heart goes all the way
(Ak budeš nešťastný a bojácny, nikdy nič úspešne neukončíš)

An eye for en eye and tooth for a tooth

A rolling stone gathers no moss
Na valiacom sa kameni nerastie mach

Friendship should not be all on one side

Actions speak louder then words

All truth is not always to be told

As a man makes his bed so must he lie

Beauty and folly are often companions

Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disapointed

Courtesy costs nothing
Za láskavosť sa neplatí

Good words are worth much and cost little

Love me little, love me long

Never look a gift horse in the mouth

Everything comes to him who waits
(Zatiaľčo čaká, musí urobiť všetko pre to, aby sa jeho priania splnila)

A soft answer turneth away wrath
Mierna odpoveď zaháňa hnev

Give him an inch and he will take a yard

Grasp all, lose all
Pachti sa za všetkým, stratíš všetko

Habit is second nature
Zvyk je druhá prirodzenosť

Haste is of the devil
Unáhlenosť je od diabla

He gives twice who gives quickly

He laughs best who laughs last

Example is better than precept

He that would command must serve

It is a poor heart that never rejoises
Len úbohé srdce nikdy nejasá

It is good fishing in troubled waters
Dobre sa loví v kalných vodách

It is never too late to mend
Na nápravu nie je nikdy neskoro

It is no use crying over spilt milk

Once a thief, always a thief

Sleep over it
Ráno múdrejšie večera

More haste, less speed

None so blind as those that will not see
Nikto nie je taký slepý ako tí, ktorí nechcú vidieť

None so deaf as those that will not hear
Nikto nie je taký hluchý ako tí, ktorí nechcú počuť

Nothing venture, nothing have
Kto neriskuje, nič nemá

Laugh, and the world laughs with you
Weep, and you weep alone

Other times, other manners

Out of sight, out of mind

Punctuality is the politeness of kings

Pride goes before a fall

Practice makes perfect
(Nikto učený z neba nespadol)

Rome was not built in a day

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

What is worth doing at all is worth doing well
Čo má cenu, má sa robiť dobre

Be sure before you marry of a house wherein to tarry

Better bend than break

Better be a fool than a knave
Lepšie byť hlúpy než lump

Better lose the saddle than the horse
Lepšie je stratiť sedlo než koňa

Better buy than borrow

Better to ask the way than go astray
Lepšie je spýtať sa na cestu než zablúdiť

Do what is right, come what may
Rob čo je správne, za každú cenu

A good consience is a soft pillow
Čisté svedomie je dobrá poduška

When the cat is away, the mice will play

Birds of a feather flock together
Vrana k vrane sadá, rovný rovného si hľadá

A ird in the hand is worth two in the bush

The pitcher goes s often to the well that it is broken at last

Who keeps company with wolves will learn to howl

Faint heart never won fair lady
Kto sa bojí, nesmie do lesa

The exception proves the rule

The end crowns the work
Koniec korunuje dielo

Hunger is the best sauce
Hlad je najlepší kuchár

He who does not work neither shall he eat

East or west, home is the best

Old love will not be forgotten
Stará láska nehrdzavie

The cobbler's children usually go unshold
Kováčova kobyla a obuvníkova žena chodia bosé

Praise day at night and life at the end
Nechváľ deň pred večerom

Strike while the iron is hot
Kuj železo, pokiaľ je žeravé

No gain without pain

Patience and time overcom e all things

No rose without a thorn

Charity begins at home
Bližšia košeľa ako kabát

Who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind
Kto seje vietor, žne búrku

Promisses are like pie-curst, made to be broken

As the call, so the echo
Ako sa do hory volá, tak sa z hory ozýva

Lightly come, lightly go
Ľahko prišlo, ľahko odišlo

Do not wash your dirty linen in public
Špinavé prádlo sa má prať doma

One swallow does not make a summer

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
Keď sa rúbe les, lietajú triesky

The quarrel of lovers is renewal of love
Co se škádlíva, rádo se míva

New brooms sweep clean

Appetite comes with eating
S jedlom rastie chuť

Barking dog seldom bite
Pes, ktorý šteká, nehryzie

Better laste than never

Every man is the founder of his own fortune
Každý si je svojho šťastia strojcom

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

You can't teach a old dog new tricks

Easier said than done

Honesty is the best policy

Like talking to a brick wall

Haste makes waste
Práca kvapná, málo platná

Brevity is the soul of wit
Stručnosť je známkou inteligencie (vtipu)

Nothing is certain but death and taxes

Faint heart never won fair maiden


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