Wonders of modern world

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 21. ledna 2007
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Wonders of modern world

Here are some buildings and machines, which are wonders of 20. century:

The Opera house in Sydney
The Opera house in the oldest and in the biggest town in Australia, in Sydey,
is very interesting and it´s one of the most famous buildings in the world. At the beginning of the 1950s it was declared, in an international competition,
to be the best design for a centre for arts. The building was to be built near
Bennelong Point (a narrow strip of mainland). A young Danish architect Joern Utzon
won the competition. His design looked like sails of a ships in the wind, but it was
difficult to build. It took 16 years to build. The Opera house was officially opened
in October 1973 by queen Elizabeth II. 36 milion people have visited the Opera house
in the past 20 years. Over 2500 opera´s have been performed, concerts of popular music
and theatre plays take place there every year. Tunnel under La Manche
The longest undermarine tunnel in the world is under La Manche and it joins
Great Britain and France. It is 50 km long (38 km of this is under the sea). The tunnel was opened on the 6th of May It took 6 years to build using high
tech machinary. Airplane Concorde
Concorde is a supersonic airplane for transporting people. It´s first flight
from Toulouse in France was on the 2nd of March 1962. Concorde is 62,1 m long and
it flies at a height of 18 300 m. Mostly it flies from London to Paris. It´s record flight is two hours and 54 minutes - it takes less than three hours
to cross the Atlantic ocean !

Skyscraper Sears
The biggest building in the world is the skyscraper Sears in Chicago
in USA. It has 110 floors. It is 443 m high (it is 60 m higher than the
Empire State Building in New York). It was built in 1973 and it took 3 years to
build. It took 2400 people to build it. Here are 104 lifts and 16 000 windows. About 1,5 milion people visit it every year. On the 4th there are a lot
of shops and restaurants. In the 103th floor called „Skydeck“ , 412 m above
the city, you can see as far as 80 km away. You have a nice view of four states -
-Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. The other wonders are: The big Asuan´s dam, Kennedy´s cosmic centre and the airport in

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