William Shakespeare biography

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William Shakespeare biography

William Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatists the world has ever had. his works reflect an image of humanity and a love of people and nature, and form an important part of the international heritage. In his own time, one of his great conteporaries called him "the sweet swan of Avon" and said that he was not for one age bt for all time.
W.S.lived ibn the region of Queen Elizabeth 1. He was born in April 1564 in Stratford-upon Avon, as the third child of Mary and John Shakespeare. William was a bright boy, and you can still see the old grammar school where he is thought to have received his education. When he was 18 he married a girl from a nearly village. In course of time his talents made him leave his native town and we meet him in London, the flourishing and prosperous capital city of England. There he joined group of actors.
Soon he was asked by his sompany to help rewrite and adapt earlier plays. later he started to write plays of his own. Guring he wrote about thirty-seven outstanding comedies, romantic comedies, tregicomedies and tragedies, such as "Romeo and Juliet","Hamlet","King Lear","The Merry Wives of Windsor","Twelfth Night","A midsummer Night`s Dream","The Merchant of Venice" and others.
After acting and writing plays in a big city for many years he longed for a quiet life with his family again. As he had made a name and fortune, he could buy fine house in Stratford. he returned home, and we may suppose he lived happily there. In April 1616 he died and was burried in Trinity Church in Stratford.
W. S is the most outstanding and world playwriter who is loved and appriciated because of his many and beautiful play full of images beautiful language lot of wisdom
"Talkers are not good doers" "Something is rottend in the state of Danmark."
"Two women placed together make cold weather."
"Men of a few word are the best men."

The Merchant of Venice
The story of the comedy goes like this:
One man named Bossanio asks his friend Antonio the merchant of Venice for some money so that he can his beloved Portia.But Antonio himself hasn`t got enought money at the moment and to help his friend he goes to jewish money lender Shylock.
Shylock promises to lend the money but only under one condition if Antonio is unable to pay money back a date, Shylock will get a pound of flesh from Antonio`s body. Ships with all Antonios wealth are lost at sea and he can`t pay.

Only at the last moment Portia thinks of a clever plan, how to save Antonio from a certain death. She comes dressed as a loyar and proves at the court. Shylock may takes his flesh, but not a drop of blood. It is not possible so Antonio wasn`t been killed and wins over. Shylock at the court Mr.S wants to celebrate how clever woman can be, but in order comedies he says. "Two woman places together make cold weather"-it`s very popular quotation

King Lear
The king had three daughters. He wished to devide his kingdom among them and wanted to know, which of them love him the best. The two older ones in order to get the best parts of kingdom said: They loved their father above all, though it was not true. Cordelia, who really loved him, but couldn`t tell lie, said she would give to her father only a half and a half to her future husband. This start remaind us of well know fairy-tale: "Salt above Gold." But now back to our story. The king became very angry and drove his youngest away from his kingdom. All too late, he recognised that his two daughters didn`t tell him the trues. they expelled their father away from already their castles and let him wander about without any shelter above his head and in a terrible thunder storm. The poor old King went mad because he saw haw bad they were and realised how he had wronged his youngest chid. Cordelia who in the mean time got married to the king of France came to England with an army, to help her poor father, but both she and Lear were taken prisoners by the sisters and Cordelia was put to death. Then King Lear hearth broke and he died.

Romeo and Juliet
This story is so romantic. Romeo fell in love with Juliet. They got married in secret because their families hated one anothe and didn`t want to allow their children to become husband and wife. In a quarrel, Romeo killed one of Juliet`s cousins and was orderd to leave Verona. Juliet`s parents now knowing that she was already married wished her to marry a rich nobleman
To escape this Juliet took a drug which made her to be dead. Meanwhile Romeo was told to come secretly to Verona and take Juliet away him. unlucky chance however prevented from learning the whole truth. he found Juliet in her sleep, and believing her to be dead he poissoned. When Juliet Awoke and saw Romeo`s dead body, she killed herself too. Over the dead children the parents all to late, made peace.

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