William Shakespeare A Midsummer Nights Dream
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William Shakespeare A Midsummer Nights Dream
William Shakespeare, playwright and poet, was born in 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England (historians believe Shakespeare was born on April 23, the same day he died in 1616). He was born as the son of John Shakespeare, a Glover, and Mary Arden, of farming stock. Much uncertainty surrounds Shakespeare's early life. He was the oldest of three sons, and there were also four daughters. He was educated at the local grammar school, and married Anne Hathaway, from a local farming family, in 1582. She bore him a daughter, Susanna, in 1583, and twins, Hamnet and Judith, in 1585. In 1591 he moved to London, and became an actor. From 1592 to 1594, when the theatres were closed for the plague, he wrote his poems "Venus and Adonis" and "The Rape of Lucrece." His sonnets, known by 1598, though not published until 1609, fall into two groups: from 1 to 126 are addressed to a fair young man, and from 127 to 154 to a "dark lady" who holds both the young man and the poet in thrall. Who these people are has provided an exercise in detection for numerous critics. The first evidence of his association with the stage is in 1594, when he was acting with the Lord Chamberlain's company of players. When the company built the Globe Theatre south of the Thames in 1597, he became a partner, despite he was living modestly at a house in Silver Street until 1606. Then he moved near the Globe. He returned to Stratford in 1610, and he was living there as a country gentleman at his house, New Place. His will was made in March 1616, a few months before he died, and he was buried at Stratford.A Midsummer Night’s Dream is the most successful comedy of Shakespeare’s first five comedies. The story takes place in ancient Athens and is also connected with Shakespeare’s homeland, folk tales and superstitions. Shakespeare mixes here supernatural forces, occurrences and beings with ordinary life as well as he link different social classes: empire of fairies and elfs, aristocrats and world of workmen.
In this play there are mentioned two old-fashioned folk festivities: Midsummer Day, which is celebrated on 24th June and The First May, known as love time. The play is also full of optimistic humour, what is typical sign of Renaissance. The play is divided into separate acts and scenes. In the story you can follow two story lines.
The first shows classical love story about pair of lovers, who wants to marry, but their parents are against it:
The monarch of Athens, duke Theseus is going to marry Hippolyta, queen of Amazons. One day the old Egeus comes to Theseus with complains to his daughter Hermia, who doesn’t want to marry Demetrius, as it wants her father, because she felt in love with Lysander. Her argument is that Demetrius confess his love to Helena, Hermia’s best friend, who loves Demetrius to the craze. However, Egeus is sure that the right way is his daughter’s wedding with Demetrius and he is determined to use the old law according to which Hermia could be killed if she doesn’t marry Demetrius. The only possibility to save their love is to escape from Athens. Hermia and Lysander decide to do it. Hermia tells this secret to her best friend Helena, who reveals their plans to Demetrius in order to fawn over him. Demetrius is going to find and stop them.
The second story line shows amateurish actors, originally workmen, who are training the play for duke Theseus’s wedding. As they have no calm in the town of Athens, they are finding their peace in near forest. It is the same forest, where young lover stay for a night to have a rest. So during one night there are not just actors and escaping lovers, but also Demetrius chased by Helena, who is looking for Hermia.
This forest isn’t such an ordinary forest, but its really magic forest, while it is the home of Titania, queen of fairies, and her husband, king Oberon. This supernatural pair has its own problems. Oberon wants to punish his wife, so he orders his helper, goblin Puck, to find magic flower. Magic power of the flower is that if you touch your eyes with it, you will fall in love with the first person you will see.
„Přines drobný kvítek západní, dřív mléčně bílý, nyní nachový. Od rány lásky, dívky říkají mu srdečník – nuž přines mi ten květ. Již jedenkrát jsem ti jej ukázal. Když jeho šťáva spícím na víčka se nakape – ať žena to neb muž, hned musí vzplanout láskou šílenou ke tvoru prvnímu, jejž zhlédne pak.“
Oberon touches Titania´s eyes with the magic flower and transmogrifies one of that actors- Bottom into donkey. When Titania wakes up, she sees this donkey and she immediately falls in love with him, what is big fun for Oberon.
At the same time Oberon sends Puck to find one Athenian and touch his eyes with magic flower. He mentions Demetrius in order to love Helena again. „Ty také vezmi šťávy, rychle spěj a celý tento háj prohledej, je spanilá kdes Athéňanka tady, jejížto láskou zhrdá hejsek mladý. Jdi a tou šťávou oči jemu natři a dívka ta pak první buď, co spatří.
Jej snadno poznáš, athénský má šat a ostražitě hleď to vykonat.“
Puck goes to the forest, finds Athenian, but it isn’t Demetrius though Lysander. Lysander wakes up, sees Helena who is roaming through the forest… and everything is made into mess. Both Athenians love Helena. Helena thinks they are just kidding and she is angry. „Ó hanba! Peklo! Proti sobě náhle vás vidím všechny v šprýmu zapřísáhlé. Mít jemnosti a slušnosti jen kus, tak týrati mne bylo by vám hnus.“
Hermia doesn’t know what is going on and she is confused. When Oberon sees this fuss he starts to put things into order. With the magic flower he organizes that Lysander loves Hermia again and Demetrius falls in love with Helena. Everybody is satisfied. Oberon returns Bottom his own appearance and he goes back to Titania. Bottom returns back to the town where all the actors finish up the play.
By the end everybody of them think they had just one confusing, but a bit funny dream- a midsummer night’s dream. Egeus permits his daughter to marry Lysander, Demetrius is going to marry Helena, and the both pairs are invited to have their wedding together with duke Theseus and queen Hippolyta. On the big wedding amateurish actors perform their play with great applause of audience. Theseus
- Duke of Athens with sense of justice and fairness.
- Young woman intent on fighting for her love.
- She isn’t afraid of her father and the old law, which stays against her. - Firstly both Athenians love her but after some enchantment they turn their attention to her friend and she doesn’t know what to do. She fears she will be left on the shelf. Lysander
- Loves Hermia with devotion and just under the influence of magic he suddenly leaves Hermia because of another woman.
- Hermia’s best friend.
- She thinks about herself she is ugly and nobody can love her. During that mad midsummer night, when both men declare their love to her, she cannot believe it and she is convinced it is just conspiracy against her.
- Betrays her friend Hermia because of Demetrius.
- Loves Hermia but she doesn’t want him. Helena loves him, but he doesn’t want her. He is such an unlucky in love.
- Sometimes rude, mainly towards Helena, who often intrudes him.
- Amateurish actor, the most comic relief in this play.
- He is very eager to play every single role s he thinks he will act it in the best way.
- Hasn’t any problem with his appearance as a donkey, when Titania cares about him.
- King of the magic forest.
- Understands the love of mankind and he is willing to help them with magic to be happy.
- Is capable of entertaining on chaos between people in the forest.
- Hobgoblin, Oberon’s assistant and helper.
- Begetter of fuss in the forest. Till the end of story he put everything into order.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is typical Shakespeare’s tangle, which doesn’t make clear until the end of story. It is undemanding comedy with very simple and outspoken message, where everything is turning around love with happy ending.