The School System in the Czech Republic, Greate Britain and The USA
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The School System in the Czech Republic, Greate Britain and The USA
12) The School System in the Czech Republic, Greate Britain and The USA1) The Czech System of Education
a) The small children younger than 3 years can visit a creche (jesle). There are a qualify nursery. And children older than 3 years can visit a nursery school. This is a preparing (příprava) for normal school. They learning songs, dances, colours, animals, sometimes even a foreign language here.
b) School attendance in the Czech republic is for children from 6 to 15 years. Most children visit state school but there are some privat or church school. But when we want study these schools we can must pay much money for education. Handicap children study separately (odděleně). The school year starts on 1st September and ends on 30th June of the other year. The school year is divided (rozdělen) into two terms. First terms is from September to January and second is from February to June. A school day is different at various schools. For example: Secondary school is easier then primary school and so on. Classes (vyučování) begin between 7:55 and 8:15 and ends between 12:20 and four hours. One lesson lasts (trvat) 45 minutes and there are small breaks between lessons last from 5 to 20 minutes. Pupils (žáci) are evaluated (zhodnotit) by marks from one to five. One is the best and five is the worst. But for me fourth is excellent mark very often. Education in our country includes these stages: pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary.
c) At 6 children start to go to primary school and they stay there until 15. Then many pupils continue study on grammar (gympl), special (odborná) or vocational school. They must do entrance examinations (příjmací zkoušky) to many school. But clever pupils can study when they 11 or 13 in Grammar school. They must do entrance examinations to. d) Grammar schools is general (všeobecný) and very hard education, which prepares (připravuje) students for university. In our countries Grammar school we said a Gymnasium. Special schools which include technical colleges, specialised in building, chemistry, business academies, music, art schools and so on. Vocational schools prepare students for practical jobs.
e) Secondary school usually lasts for 4 years. Study on Grammar and Special school must be finished with a leaving examination (maturita) which is required (požadováno) by all universities and colleges. This examination is from the most important subject in a school.
Czech and Maths or foreign language is compulsory (povinný). And this subject completed special subjects. The examination usually is in May. In vocational school have a vocational certificate (výuční list).
f) Tertiary education usually lasts 3,5 or 7 years. Three years courses for Bachelor´s Degree (bakalář) or four and five-year courses for a Master´s Degree (Inženír nebo Magistr). Medicine usually takes 6 years. When we will be especially clever we can accepted a Doctoral Degree. For full time university students must pay for accommodation and board (strava). They live in dorms (koleje) or in private accommodation.
In our state there are many university. The oldest university is Charles University in Prague, other schools are Masaryk University in Brno, Palacký University in Olomouc and Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. The famous technical school is VUT in Brno and ČVUT in Prague. For talent students there are FAMU, DAMU or JAMU here. 2) School System in the Great Britain
All children between 5 and 16 must get full-time education. Children younger than five go to kindergarten (školka). Most children study a state school, but some children can study a private school. When have they rich parents. State school work from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 or 4 p.m. Primary schools are for children between 5 and 11 years and Secondary schools are for children over 11 years to 16.
There are many kinds of schools. Grammar schools give an academic type of education. They prepare (příprava) students for University study. Secondary modern school give a general (všeobecný) education and practical lessons. Secondary technical school is smaller group. They prepare students for industry (průmysl), commerce (obchod) and agriculture (zemědělství) but these schools isn´t very popular. And Comprehensive schools (všeobecná škola) is for every children. Pupils can take the Certificate of Secondary Education (C.S. E.) when they have completed five years of secondary education It is a normal certificate but when children want. They can take General Certificate of Education(GCSE) which has got two levels. Level O – They can take in 16 years from any subject. Level A – It is advance level. It is usually taken from 3 or 4 subjects 18 years.
Higher education divides (dělí se na) : 1)Universities 2)Teacher training 3)Advanced courses (pokročilé kurzy) There are more than 40 universities. There are many receive (uznávaný) University.
For example: Oxford, Cambridge or Redbrick Univesities and so on.
3) School System in the United States of America
In the USA there isn´t a national school system of education. Each (každý) of the 50 states has own laws (zákony) regulating (regulace) education. Children begin school at the age of 5 or 6 and continue until the age of 18. Every child gets minimum 13 years of education.
Elementary school (základka USA) is from the 1st to 6th grades (stupeň). Then students visit this school for three years. After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called high schools. The goal (cíl) of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Marks in most US schools are A, B, C, D, and F. A is the excellent and an F is a failure (selhání). During the final year of high school, most students take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) which is a national college entrance examination. The results (výsledek) of this test will important if the student should want continue on to attend a college or university. Higher education divides (dělí se na) : The University,The technical training institution Instituce technického výscviku) and The two-year or community college (dvouletá společenská škola)
1) The Czech System of Education
creche (jesle)
preparing (příprava)
separately (odděleně)
divided (rozdělen)
Classes (vyučování)
lasts (trvat)
Pupils (žáci)
evaluated (zhodnotit)
gramar school (gympl)
special (odborná)
vocational (učňák)
entrance examinations (příjmací zkoušky)
general (všeobecný)
prepares (připravuje)
leaving examination (maturita)
required (požadováno)
compulsory (povinný)
vocational certificate (výuční list).
Bachelor´s Degree (bakalář)
Master´s Degree (Inženír nebo Magistr)
Doctoral Degree
board (strava)
dorms (koleje)
2) School System in the Great Britain
kindergarten (školka)
prepare (příprava)
industry (průmysl)
commerce (obchod)
agriculture (zemědělství)
Comprehensive schools (všeobecná škola)
Certificate of Secondary Education (C.S. E.)
Teacher training
Advanced courses (pokročilé kurzy
receive (uznávaný)
3) School System in the United States of America
Each (každý)
laws (zákony)
regulating (regulace)
Elementary school (základka USA)
grades (stupeň). goal (cíl)
failure (selhání). Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
results (výsledek)
The technical training institution (Instituce technického výscviku)
The two-year or community college (dvouletá společenská škola).