The American War of Independence
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The American War of Independence
• The 7-YEARS WAR (1756- 1763)-the conflict in North America between France & Great Britain
» 1763-Treaty of Paris- FR was defeated
- GB gained Canada, Florida and river Mississippi
• after the war GB decided to leave its 10,000-men strong army on the American
continent-> in order to keep the army GB increased the taxes on American
- the SUGAR ACT(1764)
- the STAMP ACT(1765)- it required stamps to be placed on all official
documents, including newspapers
- it was repealed in 1766 due to intense colonial opposition
- the TOWNSHEND ACT (1767)- C. Townshend (the British Chancellor) placed
taxes on goods imported into American ports
- they were repealed in 1767 except the tax on tea
• The BOSTON MASSACRE (March 5, 1770)
- the British soldiers were shooting at demonstrators
- a group of colonists in protest against the tax threw the tea cargo of the East
India Company into the sea
after this event the British Parliament passed hard retaliatory measures:
- the Boston port was closed
- the British army on the American continent was reinforced
- the colonies’ right of self-government was greatly reduced
• this gave the colonies a reason to unite- all the colonies except Georgia sent
their delegates to the 1-ST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS (1774) in Philadelphia:
- they demanded greater independence from GB
- they decided to build their own armed forces- militia
• at LEXINGTON (April, 1775)
- the first armed conflict between the militia and British soldiers
the beginning of the American War of Independence
• the 2-ND CONTINENTAL CONGRESS (May, 1775) in Philadelphia:
- they agreed on measures of leading the war
- the militia was proclaimed ‘Continental Army’ with GEORGE WASHINGTON as a
commander in chief
- initially, the Congress did not favor the separation from GB, but when the King
refused any negotiations, they started
the fight for independence
• on 4-th July 1776 the Congress passed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
written by THOMAS JEFFERSON- it contained ideas, such as:
- all people are equal
- everybody has the right to security and liberty
- whenever government becomes destructive it can be abolished and
reorganized by people = the right to revolution
- the 13 colonies formed a union called The United States of America
• in November 1777 the Congress passed the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION:
- the first constitution of the United States (until 1789)
- the American army was supported by: France, Spain & Netherlands – because
Britain was their main colonial enemy
1776-1779- the American troops were defeated by British army in several battles
but none of them was decisive
1777-the American troops won the battles at TRENTON and PRINCETON
-> these battles encouraged their hopes
-the turning point of the war was the battle at SARATOGA:
- the American troops won
- the French entered the war (they hoped to get back the territories lost
in the 7-Years War)
because the British army could not win in the north they moved to the south
1781- in the battle at YORKTOWN the Continental Army supported by the French
troops led by Lafayette forced the British army led by Cornwallis to surrender
the end of the American War of Independence
• the peace negotiations lasted for two years
-> in September 1783- the PEACE TREATY was signed in PARIS:
- GB recognized the independence of the USA (the western border was at the
river Mississippi)
- FR gained Tobago in the Caribbean Sea and Senegal in Africa
- Spain gained Florida
•1787-the Congress elaborated a NEW CONSTITUTION (it came into effect in 1789)
- it contained federal principles-> every state had its own government but
all were ruled by one central government with:
- the 2-chamber congress- legislative power
- the president-executive power-> the 1-st president became
- the greatest court- judicial power
• 1803- the USA bought LOUISIANA from Napoleon Bonaparte
-> this practically doubled their territory
• 1823- the MONROE DOCTRINE was declared:
- the policy of non-intervention of the European countries to the affairs of
the American Continent.