Robin Hood the Legend

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  • Datum přidání: 23. února 2007
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Robin Hood the Legend

Robin Hood in Legend
Robin Hood was a constant friend of the poor and oppressed, even though he never led them in an uprising to overthrow the Norman lords in his lifetime. He was generous and giving in times of need and quick to avenge any wrongs done to the peasants. Did he really succor the poor? Or was he only a vicious and desperate man, lining his own pockets? A case can be made for both claims, based on the ballads. He was still an outlaw for all that, so was constantly in danger. His quick wits, daring, and the bold loyalty of his friends enabled him to reach old age in the end. He lived by robbing the rich of their gold and the king of his forest game. He lived a merry and exciting life deep in the forests of Sherwood, roaming wherever he wanted with like-minded outlaws. But again, did he really? Living full time in a forest is not a game for children. The life was rough and food was not always easily come by. The weather would have been a major factor; cold rain and winter snow would have made the conditions harsh, probably killing quite a few of the outlaws. Sickness and hygiene has to be brought to mind, too. In medieval times, even such a thing as a cold could turn deadly. Medicine was almost non-existent and "bleeding" to ease the humors of the body was common. Such a thing would kill an already weak person. Among his enemies were the sheriffs who enforced the harsh laws, the forest rangers, the wealthy churchmen, and of course, the Norman Lords. For these, he had no mercy, attacking and robbing them at every chance. His trickery was a legend in itself. And while he could be captured, as is seen in the ballad of Robin Hood and the Monk, he was never caught for long. His friends were loyal and freed him. Robin died at last through the treachery of the Prioress of Kirklees. He fell ill (or was wounded), and because she was noted for her skill in healing, Robin was brought to her. She bled him to death. She is said to have done this in order to avenge the churchmen he had robbed, or because she was asked to do so by Sir Roger of Doncaster, her lover. Another version of this tale has Robin and the Prioress related. She didn't like his outlaw ways and killed him for that reason. For whatever reason, Robin died slowly from loss of blood. According to one account of his death, he managed to call his closest friend, Little John, to his side by way of blowing his horn. Little John wanted to slay the Prioress, but Robin refused his request.

His last wish was to be helped in firing one last arrow. Wherever it landed would be where he was laid to rest. There is still what is said to be Robin's grave on the private lands of Kirklees. However he lived and however he died, Robin Hood's legend is there for all. He will always be with us, in the back of our minds, as a man who fought for right and justice. He remains popular with many people worldwide. The main fact remains that it doesn't really matter if Robin Hood actually existed in real life. He will continue to exist in legend.

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