
Kategorie: Chémia (celkem: 338 referátů a seminárek)

Informace o referátu:

  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 19. listopadu 2015
  • Zobrazeno: 395×

Příbuzná témata


Canada>Canada avanafil de 200 mg Walt is pondering his options by the hotel pool when Walter Jr. embraces him, suggesting he may be leaning towards protecting his family and killing Jesse. Then the episode backtracks and traces Jesse's actions through the same time period. We see Hank intercept Jesse just as he is about to torch Walt's home, and we follow their uneasy collaboration as Hank takes Jesse home, tapes his confession, and coerces him into a meeting with Walt. Only late in the episode do the two story lines intersect.

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