New Zealand (A jewel lost in Pacific)
Kategorie: Geografia (celkem: 1046 referátů a seminárek)
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- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 01. července 2007
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New Zealand (A jewel lost in Pacific)
A JEWEL LOST IN PACIFICThis monicker belongs to island lying in South Pacific Ocean – New Zealand. However, I have never been to New Zealand, I think, New Zealand is one of the most beautifull places in the world (consider to photos). New Zealand is one of the loneliest civilized countries, is a country of islands , small and big, all scattered in South Pacific Ocean. The enormous Pacific Ocean separates it from the coast of Chile and the empty ocean stretches to the Antarctic and Polynesia.
New Zealend’s teritory is made of several groups of islands. The main part of the country consists of two large islands, the North Island and the South Island, and also smaller islands (the Chatham Island and Stewart Island) located near the coast of the North and South Islands. Within the political boudaries of New Zealand are also Campbell Island, the Island of Solander and Bounty and Auckland Island. They are called minor islands or Subantarctic Islands. New Zealadn’s teritory extends from the south pole almost to the equator.
New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. It is independent state of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Its sovereign is Elizabeth II, Queen of the UK and also of New Zealand. Her representative is the governor general who acts as chief of state when she is not in New Zealand. He doesn’t govern and his functions are normal. New Zealand’s flag has “union jack“ in upper left corner and four star southcross in the right half. The anthem of New Zealand is God save the Queen and the official language is english. New Zealand’s capital is Wellington in the North island. Wellington has more than 342500 inhabitants and politically and geographically is Wellington the most important city in the country. Its harbour is one of the finest in the world. Wellington is seat of many principal public buildings including the Houses of parliament, the National art gallery and Dominion museum, its also seat of one of the finest educational institutions – Victoria University. The major of the country population’s reside in the towns of Auclanland and Wellington in the North Island and two major cities in the South Island are Cristchurch and Dunedin.
The climateof New Zealand is more like Italy and Sicily, than the British Isles. Along the South Island runs the massive mountain know as Southern Alps. The highest peak is Mount Cook, which attain the height of 3,764 metres. The South Pacific is a region of high volcanic and seismic activity.
In New Zealand, there are many volcanic peaks. In the center of the South Island there are four high volcanos of which only Mount Egmont is “dead“. In New Zealand there are each year more than hundred earthquakes. New Zealand is also rich in boiling springs, geysers, pools of boiling mud,… In the area Mount Cook there are icebergs. The largest of them, the Tasmanian Iceberg, is 30 kms long. The seasons of the year are naturally opposite to those in Europe. Summer lasts from December to February and winter lasts from June to August.
New Zealend is a paradise for biologist. The most characteristic feature for its flora and fauna is a large number of endemic species – species, which are found only in this teritory. Many flowering plant belong to the natural vegetation. One of the most usefull tree is kauri, which is valued for its resin called “kauri gum“. The animal world si unique too, and it’s remarkable for primitive forms. This is a due to its long isolation from any continent. Birds were abundant, but today species are very rare and have no relatives between overseas birds. The emblem animal of New Zealand is Kiwi – bird, which cannot fly. The botany and geologyof New Zealand have been studied by many great scientists. Captain James Cook was on his first visit of the island accompanied by many scientists, who collected many plants. Also Charles Darwin made short visits as a naturalist in 1835.
The islands has been inhabited long before europeans visited these far place. The aboriginal inhabitants were ther Maoris, a branch of the Polynesian race living in Hawai, Samoa and other Pacific islands east of Fiji. Today they number of population is only 220000, which is less than 6 % of the total population. They live mostly in Auckland area af North Island. When the European discover the islands they were divided in the small tribes. The first European, which land in New Zealand was Abel Tasman – a famous Dutch navigator. Captain James Cook, an englishman, was the next visitor. His relations with Maoris were peacefull and friendly. In 1777 he published his journal “A voyage toward the South Pole and Round the world“, which bottom a new lands to Europeans. He pre-loaded, that country was suitable for colonization. The white colonization had a destructive effect upon Maori life. Wars and diseases reduced their numbers. The Maoris were assimilated to the british model. By the second half of 19 century they had lost most of their land.