New Zealand
Kategorie: Geografia (celkem: 1046 referátů a seminárek)
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- Datum přidání: 01. července 2007
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Příbuzná témata
New Zealand
Name: The Commonwealth of New Zealand(Maori land- name for NZ too)
Area: 270 5340sq kms
Areas belong to NZ: Cook Is., Niue, Tokelau,
Karmadec Is., Chatham Is.,
Bounty Is., Auckland Is. Population: 3 761 000
Political structure: republic
Capital city: Wellington
Largest city: Auckland (173 000)
The Head of Government: Prime Minister
The Head of State: British monarch
(Dominium of GB)
Official language: English, Maori language
Currency: New Zealand’ s dollar = 100 cents
Main sources of income: industry, tourism (nature, unique
animals, culture of Maori)
agriculture (cows, some sheep,
potatoes, corn, oats, fruit
and vegetables, wood mining)
Export: wool, meal, butter, gold and iron)
Climate: mild oceanic (wet winters, cold summers )
North Is.: subtropical oceanic climate
South Is.: mild oceanic climate
Inhabitants: British origin, immigrants from Ireland, Poland
The Commonwealth of New Zealand is the official name, but Maori land is name for New Zealand too. New Zealand consists of 2 main islands (North and South) and has an area of about two hundred and eighty thousand sq kms. NZ has a very small population of almost three million eight hundred thousand. Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau are Self-Governing Territory Overseas and Karmadec Is., Chatham Is., Bounty Is., Auckland Is. belong to NZ too.
New Zealand is a republic and has a capital city Wellington but Auckland is the largest city with a population of about one hundred seventy thousand.
The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, but the Head of State is the British monarch. New Zealand is a dominium of GB. The official language is English and language of Maori.
The currency of New Zealand is NZ’ s dollar, which has hundred cents.
The most important sources of income are industry and agriculture. They breed cows and some sheep; they cultivate potatoes, corn, oats, fruits and vegetables. NZ is known for wood mining.
New Zealand exports a lot of products (wool, butter, gold and iron).
But tourism makes a lot of money too.
Tourists travel to Maori land to see beautiful nature, culture of Maori and for unique animals: platypus and Little Penguin. It is the world’s smallest species and is found only in New Zealand.
NZ’ s inhabitants are of British origin and original residents are Maori. Most immigrants have come from Ireland, Poland and other parts of Europe.
Amplitudes of temperatures are reduced by Pacific Ocean. Because of this the climate of NZ is mild oceanic, it means that winters are wet and summers are cold. North Island has subtropical oceanic climate but South Is. has mild oceanic.
Some geographical attractions:
The highest point: Mount Cook (3764 m)
The lowest point: oceanic level (0 m)
The deepest lake: Manapouri (-263m)
The largest lake: L.Taupo.