
Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 21. ledna 2007
  • Zobrazeno: 2552×

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Progressive technology Internet.
Internet has become the most important source of information. Nowadays many people started using of Internet for its informational character that gives you an opportunity to find the information you need. There are millions of information that creates society. Nowadays internet gives you the opportunity for quicker sending of information as e-mails, chat, ICQ, it opens the door as information source for not highly developed in case of education gives work to millions of people, supports advertisement of companies, gives chance to handicapped to be informed and beside this has been helping to create world freedom.
Nowadays, Internet became an important part of education in the third world. Several years ago it was very complicated to create educational program for poor countries of Afrika. Those online educational program for people in Afrika are very successful and people like to use them. Trying to find teachers that want to go to teach in Afrika and starting educational program is hard because of worse live conditions and problems as infective diseases in this part of the world. These days Internet has became the solution for this situation. The Internet is giving opportunity to start collecting sources from science and education that are important for studying. The Universities in Afrika aplicate Internet communication with their colleagues from developed part of the word and using this way to make the curriculum of their universities more professional. There are also virtual educational systems where the role of teacher is replaced by the computer. Teachers from online educational school teach their lesson on Internet and the student can take the lesson from wherever where is Internet (World Wide Learn, 2000). Using computer are students listening and watching to the teacher’s lesson. This is the way, which has helped to the world education and is giving information to students in the Africa.
Next vital role of Internet is help promote companies in the large area of the market. Advertisement nowadays becomes the basic part of strategy in developed market. The need for advertisemens starts to create different styles and ways for promotion of products or services. When some company wanted to promote their products they need to invest to many different media for finding the way have to give information to large scale of costumers. Internet brings nice solution for creating not very expensive advertisement.

Each firm can create their own web page that price is in comparison with others ways of advertisement lower. This is really big advantage of promotion on Internet
Next importance of Internet is its help to bring information to handicapped people that have often problem to transport themselves. Those people often had problem when they wanted to go somewhere for shopping or to make some finnancial operations. But those troubles are today simple managed using internet. People can use internet for paying bills, shopping and it brings the independende for handicaped people (Computers for handicapped Independence Program, 2000).
Other and very important usage of Internet is to create world democracy by giving the information about democratically behavior and peace. In the recent past, it was very hard to find information about the world in communistic countries. To give information and handle with anti communistic documents was really dangerous. If somebody has some contact with those things he could go to jail. Internet, in example, in China gives a chance to discover the better life style in democratic part of the world and has started the fight against strange systems and helped to create a new rules that helped China bring the foreign investment and support in case of their better economical situations.
Next very important thing connected with using of Internet is that it brings new work places. In near past ago there was a no way to find a work connected with programming, design and managing information channels. (, 2000). Nowadays there are thousand of free workplaces all around the word, which are waiting for professionals, but they are still missing. This is going to be one from positions with the best carrier. Constructions of internet and it’s providing is hardly depended on professionals as designers, programmers, constructers, providers, managers and many of others positions. There is a lot of chance to use these information systems for creating the international cooperation with other companies and develop big and successful company at this field of business.
The most used opportunity of Internet is simple communication between people using mails, chats, ICQ. All of us still can remember the time when sending mail used to spend quite a long time and this information delivery process was not very comfortable. Now we have possibility to choose from many different Internet communication systems that are constructed for delivering our massages to other people. Most used are all types of free mails and organized mails.

This system is simple and costumer friendly.
Young people and also professionals use to communicate by using chat where we online see what the partner is writing and directly we can answer their questions. This system is as ICQ also using for online text conference between companies. Using those communication technologies people spare a lot of time and make a dialog with the opposite site.
Internet became a really strong part of modern society and started new information – communication and technological process. Supporting educational systems create democracy; giving new work opportunities and simple sending information are just several part of its addition for our society.

Student: Pavel Ondrejka
Teacher: Phillip Sanchez
Class: FOOB.

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