High Tatras

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Příbuzná témata

High Tatras

High Tatras -project work

940 meters above sea level
Founded in the 15th century
Originally a mining settlement, Podbanské gradually transformed through the
centuries, first into a shepherding community and in the 19th century centered around a
sawmill. By the middle of this century it had developed as a tourism center, and its earlier
agricultural functions gradually died out. For those who prefer easy walks, Podbanské
offers some of the longest trails with the smallest changes in elevation within the High
Tatras. The settlement is a starting place for tours and small skiing center. The Podbanské
area has a very good road connection, with good accommodations and restaurants in one of
the High Tatras' more quiet settings. 955 meters above sea level
Founded in 1926
The settlement developed in the second quarter of our century as a group of
pensions and small recovery-homes, a function, which continues even now. However, Horny
Smokovec is also a starting point and accommodation center for hikers. 1005 meters above sea level
Founded in 1888
The focus of this settlement is the treatment of respiratory conditions at a local
spa; its earlier tradition as a major sporting center has declined a bit in recent years. Located beneath the highest peak of the High Tatras, Gerlachovský stit (2655 m a.s.l.),
and at the base of the valley known as Velicka dolina, Tatranska Polianka offers road
access to the Velicke pleso tarn. The settlement is surrounded by predominantly evergreen
forests, and is rightly proud of its especially pure air. It is easily accessed by rail and road
(bus or car). 915 meters above sea level
Founded in 1927
This settlement grew out of a group of pensions, the largest of which became an
international recreation center for children. The place is the starting point for tours, both
to central and eastern parts of the High Tatras. 1335 meters above sea level
Founded in 1872
This is the highest settlement in the High Tatras, originally formed around an
almost 20 hectare lake, the second largest on the Slovak side of the High Tatras. Strbske
Pleso was founded as a hiking center, and later new curative houses, recreation facilities
and a top sport complex were built. It is excellently connected to transportation links, and
serves as a good starting point for a host of hiking excursions and day-trips in the

Throughout the year the town has a busy cultural life, and is also a well-known
skiing center. Since it hosted the 1970 World Championship, a range of competitive
European and world-class skiing events have been held here, including ski-jumping and
cross-country events. From here, hikers can head for the Mengusovska dolina (valley), the mountain hotel at
Popradske pleso (tarn) and its neighbor the Symbolic Cemetery. 1100 meters above sea level
Founded in 1881
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, this community was a
site of a hikers training camp. At about the same time, a succession of prominent
individuals (including a Prussian count) built hotels, a spa building and other amenities. The
construction of the sanatorium has changed the original character of the settlement. The
sanatorium, for treating respiratory conditions, was once the largest in Europe, and today
includes a cinema and shops in addition to state of the art therapeutic technology. The
settlement Vysne Hagy is linked to hiking paths, and has good road connection. 1040 meters above sea level
Founded in 1956
The youngest community in the High Tatras formed around a military curative
institution. This history gives it its present character of a very strict regime of
treatment. It is not really a point of interest for tourists, as it has no hotels or
restaurant facilities. Close to the settlement is Danielov dom, one of the centers of nature
conservation in the central High Tatras. 1000 meters above sea level
Founded in 1923
This originated as a training camp for winter combat troops, who actually built many
of the hiking trails in the vicinity. The community still concentrates on recreation for
members of the military, but it is now open for the public as well. The place is in a quiet
area near to the busier Smokovec area, and is also a good starting point for hiking in the
central part of the High Tatras, with European-style accommodation and restaurant
facilities. 995 meters above sea level
Founded in 1875
Originally created as a curative settlement, the first where patients could be
treated through the entire year, it became the most luxurious spa of its period. Gradually
tourist services were added with a skiing center for less demanding skiers.

facilities for both summer and winter sports can be found here, and there is also housing
for permanent residents.
The settlement is also a starting place for hiking tours into the valleys, and is adjacent to
Stary Smokovec, with which it shares its architectural style. Several quality hotels,
pensions and spa can be found here

990 meters above sea level
Founded in 1793
The town was originally settled around mineral springs, which tourists still enjoy
today. It is now the administrative center of the High Tatras, the home of the Mountain
Rescue Service, and several fine hotels, travel agencies and ski rental services. It is
important junction of the Tatra Railway, linking the most frequented mountain valleys. The
town features shops, banks and currency exchange services. Stary Smokovec, area under the Slavkovsky stit peak, offers visitors a range of
opportunities for recreation, relaxation, delicious cuisine and a great approach for both
more and less demanding hikes. 890 meters above sea level
Founded in 1882
This is a good base for skiing and hiking excursions in the central High Tatras. The
largest center in the Tatras for the treatment of pediatric upper respiratory conditions,
Dolny Smokovec has recently added housing to become one of the main accommodation
centers for those employed here. 850 meters above sea level
Founded in 1892
This largest of all Tatra settlements contains several functions. It is a real center
of tourist activity, offering ski slopes in nearby Skalnate Pleso (tarn), good transportation
connections, accommodation which ranges from camping sites to luxurious hotels such as
Grandhotel Praha, and the Museum of the National Park and the botanical gardens of the
Park's Nature Exposition. It is also the seat of the administration of the Tatran National
Park. Visitors can enjoy their spare time in casinos, fitness centers, swimming pools or at
cultural and entertainment facilities. In the community you will also find shops, services
and vacation homes. Picnic meadows, sporting facilities, and a horseracing track are also in
the vicinity, and mountaintops and other hiking attractions can be reached on foot or by
cablecar. In the winter, toboggan runs and other winter sports round out the activities. 885 meters above sea level
Founded in 1884
The original settlement here was a sheep farm. By the time it was officially
founded, it hosted sanatoriums, which were later changed to recreational facilities and
finally completed with the construction of sport centers. It is good starting point for
hiking in the east part of the High Tatras.

760 meters above sea level
Founded in 1882
The Belianska Cave was discovered in 1881, and a year later the settlement was
initiated. Four medical houses were built, later to be changed to curative sanatoriums for
treating general respiratory conditions. In addition to that a new pavilion that which
specialized in applying speleotherapy (respiratory therapy in natural caves) was
established. The Belianska Cave is of course open to the public, and the settlement also serves as
a small tourist resort. 902 meters above sea level
Founded in 1888
Originally a tourist center, the settlement became a dormitory for forest workers,
and a nature educational center was constructed as well. Kezmarske Zlaby is a good
starting point for exploring Dolina Zeleneho Plesa (the Valley of Green Tarn). MLYNICKÁ A FURKOTSKÁ DOLINA
Facts about the hike:
? Total Hiking time: 6-8 Hours
? Difficulty level: Medium
? Trail mark colors: Yellow, Red, Blue
Vertical profile:
- Strbske Pleso: 1,355m
- Skok waterfall: 1,700m
- Bystre sedlo: 2,314m
- Solisko: 1,950m
- Strbske Pleso: 1,355m
Mlynicka Dolina is one of the most beautiful valleys in the western part of High
Tatras. The hike starts on the north end of the Hotel FIS complex (behind the swimming
pool). Follow the yellow marked trail, which rises by the terraces of Mlynicka Dolina valley. After walking for 90 minutes, the Skok waterfall and the lake over Skok appear. After a
further 120 minutes the end of the valley is reached, the Strbsky Stit dominating the
landscape. The Bystre-sedlo pass at 2,314m is the highest point on this hike. After
crossing the pass the Furkotska valley is entered and from here descends continually
passing the Wahlenberg Lake to the junction on the red marked trail, which brings the
hiker back to Strbske pleso. This takes about 150 minutes. Less enthusiastic hikers can
leave by the yellow marked trail located in the middle of the valley and, by turning left to
the blue trail, can reach the Solisko chalet in 20 minutes. From this point it is possible to
take a chair lift down to Strbske pleso. However, for those who prefer a challenge, 45
minutes over the Solisko chalet there is a Predne Solisko peak (2,093). The trails are open
from the 1st July until 31st October.

The initial section from Hotel FIS to the waterfall is
open all year round.
Facts about hike:
? Total Hiking time: 6-8 hours
? Difficulty level: heavy
? Trail marks colors: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue
Vertical profile:
- Hrebienok (1285 m)
- Zamkovského hut (1475 m)
- Téryho hut (2015 m) - Priecné sedlo (2352 m)
- Zbojnícka hut (1960 m)
- Hrebienok
This is one of the most beautiful mountain hikes in the central High Tatras. Begin by
taking the funicular railway from Stary Smokovec to Hrebienok to reach the starting point
near to the wooden information pillar close to the Hotel Hrebienok. Follow the red mark
for approximately 60 - 70 minutes to reach the Zamkovskeho chalet. Half way along this
route the hike crosses the giant waterfall at Studena potok creek. From Zamkovskeho
follow the green marker through the Mala studena dolina valley to Teryho chalet. This
should take approximately 90 - 120 minutes. The ascent to Priecne sedlo Pass (2,352 m),
most extreme section of the hike begins at the chalet. This should be reached in
approximately 60 minutes. From the Pass the hike descends along the yellow trail mark by
Velka studena dolina to Zbojnicka chalet. This section should take 70 - 90 minutes. After a
further 120 minutes, follow the blue and red marked trails until the starting point of the
hike is reached on Hrebienok. From here the trail leads back to Stary Smokovec either by
foot or by taking the railway. The hike is open to the public from 1st July until 31st
October. Two sections, Hrebienok - Teryho chalet and Hrebienok Zbojnicka hut, are open

Facts about hike:

? The total hiking time: 4-6 hours
? Difficulty level: easy
? Trail mark colors: Blue, Red, Green

Vertical profile:
- Tatranská Lomnica (850 m)
- Kamzík meadow (1285 m)
- Obrovský vodopád (Giant waterfall)
- Zamkovského hut (1475 m)
- Skalnaté pleso (1751 m)
- Tatranska Lomnica (850 m)

This is an easy hike and is considered suitable for elderly persons and those with
families including small children. The trail begins to the right of the gondola base station
in Tatranska Lomnica by following the blue trail marker upwards from the Start of the
middle gondola station. In front of the Start turn left and continue in a westerly direction
through the foothills of Skalnata dolina valley. After approximately 60 - 90 minutes the
waterfalls at the Studeny Potok creek, considered to be the main attraction of this hike,
are reached. Cross the creek to hike along the Kamzik meadow and the Reinerova hut (the
oldest mountain shelter in Tatras) to reach the "Giant waterfall" (on the red trail marker)
and then onwards until the Zamkovskeho hut is reached. This should take approximately 60
- 80 minutes. From Zamkovskeho (1,475m) continue along the red trail marker of Tatra
magistrale to Skalnate pleso (60 - 90 minutes).

From this point descend to Tatranska
Lomnica by folllowing the green marker along the winter ski trail (60 - 90 minutes). The
hike is open all year but in the case of avalanche danger, the section Zamkovskeho hut to
Skalnate pleso may be closed. MESTO

In Slovakia, the heart of Europe, you will find the most compact high mountain range
of the world - The High Tatra Mountains. The unusually composed town of Vysoke Tatry
covers the entire High Tatra mountain range. This town was originally made up of fifteen
small Tatran settlements formed over time, gradually developed into an integrated area,
which counts among its features recreation and sporting facilities, curative sanitoria for
various conditions and permanent residences. It is in many ways an unequalled symbiosis of
development and conservation of the natural environment.

Tatranská horská služba
This service was established in the High Tatras in 1950. At this time, ever-
increasing tourism was resulting in more accidents than the service's forerunners (a
volunteer corps, for example) could manage. The Tatras' Mountain Rescue Service was
charged not only with high-mountain rescue, but also with accident prevention. Today, the
Service's activity has expanded, and now, with its 21 workers and the help of volunteers, it
is responsible for:

? nonstop day and night service at the Mountain Rescue Service headquarters in Stary
? rescue of those injured while hiking or climbing
? patrols throughout TANAP
? in winter, special trail marking
? lecturing for courses, tour groups and recreational purposes
? and more other…

The Poprad-Tatry Airport
The Poprad-Tatry Airport is one of the highest lying in Europe; at its altitude of 718
meters above sea level, it is higher than Innsbruck, Austria. The gateway to four national
parks, and to historical towns and settlements in Spis and Liptov regions, it serves winter
sports and summer hiking centers in the Low and High Tatras, and in Spis and Orava. Cesta Slobody
The main surface transport is via a road known as Cesta Slobody. This passes
through all resort areas, and continues to Liptovsky Hradok in the west and Lysa Polana on
the border with Poland to the north. Other roads lead down to the villages and towns of
the Podtatranska kotlina basin. Railways

The railways made their first inroads in 1871, when the Tatra region first became
accessible to the Kosice - Bohumin railway.

In 1895, Tatranska Lomnica was connected by
railway with Poprad, and in 1896 the cogwheel railway connecting Strba to Strbske Pleso
was completed. The Tatra Electric Railway tied this network together during the period
from 1908 to 1912. In recent decades, refurbishment and technical adaptations have kept
the system up to date and reliable. Since 1908 a funicular railway has joined Stary
Smokovec with the Hrebienok ridge. An aerial cablecar from Tatranska Lomnica to
Lomnicky Stit peak was built in 1940, and an adjacent cablecar to the Skalnate Pleso tarn
in 1873.

Mountain hotels and Chalets in the High Tatras

Hiking in the High Tatra mountains, once an activity of high adventurers alone, is now a
sport enjoyed by all who love the outdoors. This is in part thanks to the long history of
distinguished service offered by the High Tatras' mountain hotels (offering complete
hotel services year round) and chalets (which provide more rustic lodging services
for hikers, in most cases year round). Here we will note eight of the best known of these
facilities. Each has its own unique seal, which travelers can imprint as a souvenir of their
ascent. ? Sliezsky dom - Mountain hotel 'Silesian House' - 1670 m a.s.l. ? Chata pri Zelenom plese - Chalet by 'Green Tarn' - 1551 m a.s.l. ? Zamkovskeho chata - 'Zamkovsky Chalet' - 1475 m a.s.l. ? Chata pod Rysmi - 'Chalet under Lynx Peak' - 2250 m a.s.l. ? Zbojnicka chata - 'Robbers Chalet' - 1960 m a.s.l. ? Teryho chata - 'Tery Chalet' - 2015 m a.s.l. ? Bilikova chata - 'Bilik Chalet' - 1255 m a.s.l. ? Chata pri Popradskom plese - 'Mountain hotel by Popradské tarn' - 1500 m a.s.l. .

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