Health and medical care

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

Informace o referátu:

  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 12. března 2007
  • Zobrazeno: 2643×

Příbuzná témata

Health and medical care

Everybody in our country has the right to choose a doctor and many people go to one family doctor. At present two types of health facilities operate in this country: state and private ones...Medical care is provided for our citizens from birth to death. Each of us is looked after even before birth under the scheme prenatal care which includes medical check-ups before the child is born. After the birth child is vaccinated against such illnesses as tuberculosis, tetanus, polio and whooping cough. Due the vaccination and better hygiene these illnesses have either disappeared or are not fatal any more...Each school child is under medical supervision which means that he or she has to undergo a series of preventive medical and dental check ups where his body is examined, his teeth checked and eyesight tested...When we grow out of our children’s diseases such as a cold, measles or chicken-pox we do not have to go to the doctor so often. If we are not hypochondriacs we try to get over our cold easily by staying in the bed, taking pills, keeping warm, sweating, gargling and drinking herbal tea with honey or lemon. But sometimes if a patient is trying to overcome a feverish sickness without staying in the bed and curing it properly, he takes a risk, as the illness often leaves very dangerous aftereffects...If we still feel unwell, we finally decide to see a physician who is called General Practitioner. It is better to make an appointment with the doctor in his surgery time if we want to avoid long waiting in the waiting room which may often be crowded. Then the nurse says “Next please” and invites us into the consulting room. The nurse has to look for our medical record and wants to see our insurance card and then takes our temperature. Then we are ready to enter the surgery. The doctor usually asks what the trouble is and then asks us to strip to the waits because he must examine our chest and throat. The doctor wants to know if we have a temperature, a good appetite and where we fell pain. Then he listens to our lungs and heart and we have to take a deep breath or stop breathing according his orders. He also wants us to open our mouth and say “Ah” to see if our tonsils are red. Sometimes he checks the blood pressure and feels the pulse, takes the blood count and throat culture or puts urine through lab tests.

We have to say how we feel, if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a cough, or if we are sick and hoarse...Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy and prescribes a medicine. Most often we suffer from a common infection such as flu, tonsilitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. At the chemist’s we get antibiotics, vitamins, pain relievers and gargle. We can also buy some medicinal herbs to prepare herbal tea...In more serious cases or if we are injures we can call the doctor at home and we can be taken to hospital. In the hospital the injured people are examined and X-rayed and serious cases are immediately operated. After the operation the patient is sometimes sent to a health resort or a spa for rehabilitation...However, there are fatal illnesses like cancer or AIDS which are incurable so far. But the best way to cure yourself of a disease is not to catch it, because prevention is better than cure...

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