Gramatika Modal verbs
Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)
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- Přidal/a: anonymous
- Datum přidání: 12. března 2007
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Příbuzná témata
Gramatika Modal verbs
MODAL VERBS:can (could), shall (should), will (would), must
(show the attitude towards the action of the verb – action is: possible, probable, obligatory, doubt, uncertain, ...)
(nemôžu stáť osve bez iného slovesa)
- no -s ending in 3rd person
- followed by infinitive without -to
- they form a)negative and b) interrogative without do (by inversion)
-they have two negative forms – full & contracted
can - can not - can´t
could - could not - couldn´t
shall - shall not - shan´t
will - will not - woun´t
should - should not- shouldn´t
would - would not- wouldn´t
must - must not- mustn´t
need - need not - needn´t
They are incoplete - have suppletive forms:
past future
can - to be able to.. I was able to.. I´ll be able to...
must - to have to... I had to.. I´ll have to.. may - to be allowed to I was alowed to... I´ll be allowed to...
I cannot – nemôžem
I need not – nemusím
I may not – nesmiem
I must not – nesmiem (strong prohibition).