Gerald R. Ford biography

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 12. března 2007
  • Zobrazeno: 1896×

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Gerald R. Ford biography

Thirty-eighth president of the United States. Born Leslie Lynch King Jr., on July 14, 1913, in Omaha, Nebraska. His parents, Leslie Lynch King Sr. and Dorothy Ayer Gardner divorced shortly after his birth. Gardner relocated with her son to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and in 1916, married Gerald R. Ford, a paint store owner. The Fords re-named their son Gerald R. Ford Jr. (after his adoptive father). Ford Jr., and his three younger half-brothers, spent the remainder of their childhood in Grand Rapids, where their close-knit Episcopalian family maintained strong ties with the community.
In 1935, Ford graduated from the University of Michigan with a dual degree in economics and political science. Along with academic achievements, Ford’s time at Michigan was also marked by his athletic accomplishments. He played on the university’s championship football team and was widely considered an exceptional athlete. After graduation, he received offers to play professionally from both the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers. Ford abandoned the professional sports arena and, in 1935, he accepted a full-time coaching position at Yale University. Ford petitioned to attend law school at Yale and his request was granted in 1938. He successfully juggled studying and coaching and completed his law degree in 1941, graduating in the top 25 percent of his class.

After passing the bar exam, Ford partnered with fraternity brother, Philip Buchen, to set up a law practice in Grand Rapids. Shortly after the onset of WWII, he joined the U.S. Naval Reserve, where he served as an athletic director and was stationed in the South Pacific. Ford spent four years in service, during which he accrued ten battle stars. Ford returned to Grand Rapids and practiced law in the locally prestigious firm of Butterfield, Keeney and Amberg.

Influenced by his father’s political beliefs, Ford decided to challenge the incumbent, Bartel Jonkman, for the 1948 Republican nomination for the U.S House of Representatives. Ford received the nomination and went on to win the election by defeating his Democratic opponent, Fred J. Barr. During his time as representative in the 81st Congress, he focused his efforts on limiting federal spending on welfare, education, and other social needs.

In his quest to be elected Speaker of the House, Ford declined offers to run for both the Senate and the Michigan governorship. In 1963, he was appointed to the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of John F.

Kennedy. He later co-authored the book, Portrait of an Assassin (1965), which documented the Commission’s conclusions.

Ford was a loyal supporter of Richard Nixon. In 1973, Spiro Agnew resigned the office of vice president. President Nixon, authorized by the 25th Amendment, appointed Ford to the post. Ford served as vice president for nine months, until Nixon was forced to withdraw from office following the Watergate scandal. In August 1974, Ford took the oath of office as president of the United States. In the first few weeks of his administration, Ford granted a full pardon to Nixon, which shielded him from criminal charges. The public was outraged at the decision and began to question Ford’s qualifications. The Ford administration faced a discouraged nation that was overwhelmed by Vietnam, unemployment, inflation and energy shortages. In his attempts to reestablish credibility, Ford only further isolated the American public. In September of 1975, he became the target of two assassination attempts by Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme and Sara Jane Moore. In 1976, Ford ran for election alongside running mate Senator Bob Dole. Ford was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter. After leaving office, the former president set up residence in California with his wife, Betty, and their four children. Ford continues to remain active in the political process. In August of 1999, he was awarded the Medal of Freedom in recognition of his contributions during the tumultuous aftermath of Watergate and Vietnam.

During the 2000 Republican National Convention, held in August 2000 in Philadelphia, Ford was hospitalized after suffering two small strokes. Doctors expected him to recover without any serious permanent damage. .

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