Famous people
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Famous people
Alexander Graham Bellwas born in 1847 in Edinburg, Scotland. His father was an expert
in phonetics, the study of the sounds of languages. As a boy,
Alexander became interested in sounds and speech.
In 1870 the Bells decided to emigrate to America. They lived
in Boston, where Alexander taught in a school for the deaf.
There he began experimenting with a machine to help the deaf
While experimenting with this machine, Bell had an idea. Why
not use electricity to send the human voice from one place to
another? Bell began work on a new invention. Four years Bell and
his assistant, Thomas Watson, worked day and night. They rented
rooms in a boarding-house. Bell was on one floor, and Watson was
on another. They tried to send speech through a wire. Finally,
on March 19, 1876, Watson heard these words very clearly."
Mr.Watson, come here. I want you." Watson rushed upstairs, ran
into Bell's room, and shouted, " I heard you."
They didn't know that one day this talking machine would
become the telephone and would change people's lives.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
is an English naturalist known for the study of evolution. His
evolutionary theory is contained in books. On the Origin of
Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) and The Descent of
Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871). Darwin's theory of
evolution greatly influenced science and religion of his time.
Isaac Newton (1641-1727)
is a mathematician, physicist and astronomer, who, basides
other work, completed the findings of Johannes Kepler and
Galileo Galilei. His main contribution to physics was the
formulation of three fundamental law of mechanics leading to the
law of gravitation. As a mathematician he invented the
infinitesimal calculus. He also extended the understanding of
colour and light and examined the mechanics of planetary motion.
James Walt
a Scottish engineer who made important improvements to the
steam engine. He established the first factory for the steam
engines production.
Thomas Alva Edison
was born in Ohio in 1847. He was not a very good student but
was keen on scientific work. The most important invention of
Edison is the electric bulb.
Walt Disney
American film producer who created the first animated cartoon
films. Disney is the author of such cartoon characters as a
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto.
He planned and built
Disneyland, a famous amusement park, that opened near Los
Angeles in 1955. He had created a great number of short animated
cartoon films, which brought him success all over the world
before he started a project of a long cartoon film based a
version of the classic fairy tale billed "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs". Other films are Pinochio, Cinderella, Alice in
Wonderland and the Lion King.
Elvis Prestley
popular American rock'n'roll singer who strongly influenced
the character of popular culture in the U.S.A. in the 1950s and
1960s. More than 500 million of his records were sold during his
life. He starred in 33 movies including the famous "Love Me
The Beatles
English rock-style music group which became world famous in the
1960s. The Beatles included four members - John Lennon, Paul
McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. They were all born in
Liverpool where they also started their first performances. Their
songs composed at the beginning of the 1960s, such as Love Me Do,
She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand, made them the most
popular rock group in England and soon Beatlemania spread all
over Europe and also in the U.S.A. They won many awards for
performances and records. More than a million copies were sold of
each of their single records or albums. Their long hair, style of
dress, their experimentation with drugs and Indian mysticism
influenced predominantly young generation. The Beatles made two
successful films - A Hard Day's Night and Help. The group
definitely separeted in 1971. Paul McCartney made his own group
and now he is one of the leading rock musicians of the time. John
Lennon was murdered in 1980.