Ecosystem, water basin Slnava

Kategorie: Biológia (celkem: 966 referátů a seminárek)

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  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 01. července 2007
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Ecosystem, water basin Slnava

Ecosystem of waters of Slnava
(Biology project)

I. Introduction

What is an ecosystem? It is a part of biome, where works a relationship between fauna, flora and their environment in particular area (e.g.: river, forest, meadow). All parts of ecosystem influence the other parts, and are –in response- being influenced by them. Plants, animals, bacteria work in an SYSTEM which is called ECOSYSTEM. My task in this work was to study any environment in area near my home and find some ecosystem which I can then examine and describe. I have chosen an area of water basin near the city Piešťany, I live in. It is called Sĺňava or Water basin Drahovce-Madunice. The reason why I have chosen this area is, that I live nearly 500 m far from this basin and for longer time I am interested in studying the animals and plants that live here. Piešťany is a small city situated in the upper end of Podunajská basin and they have temperate climate. Summers in this area are hot and that causes that many birds like storks, gulls, swans and sometimes also pelicans come to spend summer here. But in few last years it looks like people are no longer interested in nature and they are permanently destroying it. Also the water basin “lived a difficult ages” when sports and tourism developed and the area around the water basin was being destroyed because of indifference of some people. Nowadays is the water basin safe, because of support of people who defended nature like it is – unspotted from the modern world. It is officially said to be Protected study area Sĺňava. But people left here signs of their visits which cannot be deleted anymore. One of the is for example, that pelicans do not return to Piešťany after winter anymore. They were not safe from eyes of greedy tourists. I hope that my work about ecosystem of water basin Sĺňava will widen Your information about it and also teach some of you how important is it for the people, animals and plants that live in, by or around it. II. Method of work

First things I tried to do, was to find out as much information about Sĺňava, as I could. I tried to find information in our City Library, but there was not much to read, so I asked my friends and went to the basin to see the area I wanted to study. The best information I got, were from my uncle, who helped me to gain them from Balneology Museum Piešťany.

I divided my work into two main parts, in the first one I am describing the basic characteristic environment of area around the water basin Sĺňava and in the second part I am studying the ecosystem of the water basin. The second part of my work is described widely than the first part. Main points of second part, where I am describing the area of water basin Sĺňava are animals, plants, bacteria in ecosystem and then the influence of anthropogenic activities on the nature of Sĺňava. This two main parts are enclosed with an discussion where I am trying to determine the main negative influences at the ecosystem of water basin Sĺňava and at least shortly design some solutions how to eliminate them. At the very end of my work there are enclosed photos, pictures and maps of the area I am writing about. III. Basic characteristics of area around Pieštany

3.1 Geographical position of city Pieštany

Piešťany are situated on South-West Slovakia on opened Dudváh basin, which is nearly seven kilometers wide. They lay in the North-West promontory of Podunajská basin, they are surrounded by mountains Malé Karpaty on the West and Považský Inovec on the East. The position of the city is closely related to the river Váh. This river (the longest in Slovakia) cuts city Piešťany into two unequal parts. The smaller part, on left bank of Váh is a health resort. For long time there have been spa with healing sources of thermal mineral water. On the right bank of the river is situated city part of Piešťany. Here are shops, organizations, some of the spa and healing houses, culture buildings, parks and sport centers and private houses, where inhabitants of Piešťany live. On the South part of city is situated big water basin Sĺňava, center of water sports, favorite place for fishers, but also permanent or temporary home for birds – island Čajka (Gull). Piešťany are in height 168 meters above the sea level. 3.2 Physically- geographical characteristics

3.2.1 Relief

The east margins of the cape of Podunajská basin, where are lying Piešťany, are formed by the massive of mountains called Považský Inovec, its height is 1042 m. It begins on the south near city Hlohovec a ends on the north in Jarabské sedlo, which distances it from Strážovské mountains. Nearest to the city is Serbal’s hill, among people known as Červená veža (Red tower), known also as Škarbalová with height 268 m. above sea level. It is a cultivated forest, which forms nice area around spa and recreation center on the left bank of Váh. For the thermal mineral water sources and the chemical composition of thermal water is most important the geological building of southwest sides of Považský Inovec.

On these hill-sides begins the “birth” of thermal water. 3.2.2. Rivers

From north to south along mountain range Považský Inovec flows river Váh. It is regulated ad touches the spa and city part of Piešťany. Along the river-bed of Váh is built drainage canal (Biskupický canal), which flows from water power-stations in Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Horná Streda. Near bridge which leads to the spa part of Piešťany, the drainage canal joins the main stream of Váh. Parallel with Váh, from village Čachtice flows river Dudváh, which catches and gains water from streams flowing from northern part of complex of mountains Malé Karpaty. Between Váh and Dudváh flows from Čachtice, through west part of city Piešťany, stream Dubová, which then runs into the water basin Sĺňava. Sĺňava is water basin, which spreads from half of Piešťany to village Drahovce and it’s long 6,4 km (area is 430 ha.)

Above village Moravany nad Váhom is built water basin Striebornica. Not far away from Piešťany, near village Vrbové on the stream Holeška, was built up water dam, which caused formation of water basin Čerenec – nice place for water sports and fishing. 3.2.3. Climate

Piešťany belong into the most warm parts of Slovak republic. The climate here is typical for basins, slightly dry, slightly windy. Mountains on the east and northwest are eliminating the strength of colder autumn and winter winds. On the other hand, the opened area to south provides warm southern flow of wind. The annual temperature 9,4°C is relatively high (January/-2,2°C, July/19,7°C.) The number of tropical days when temperature exceeds 30°C is in average 13, the number of summer days when temperature exceeds 25°C is in average 62. Number of days, when is the temperature about 0°C, is about 107 per year, and number of days when it is under 0°C is only 28. The cloud cover in Piešťany is very rare and therefore is here high amount of sunny days. The annual average of sunshine in Piešťany is 2147 hours, number of sunny days is above 200 per year. Related to the cloud cover, the precipitation is 611 mm in average per year, and it corresponds with the height above the sea level of the city. The fall of snow is about 20 cm per year and the snow-cover, 13 cm high, lasts in average 40 days during the year. The weather in spring is pleasant, summer is dry and warm, autumn is temperate and winter moist and temperate cold. 3.2.4.

Fauna and flora

By the geographical division of flora along Slovakia, the vegetative area around Piešťany belongs into the part of north Carpathian flora. There are two major types of trees – deciduous and coniferous. On south slopes of Carpathian Mountains grow dry deciduous oak woods with large variety of small plants – flowers and grasses. Near river Váh grow willows, poplars and alders. Very important is also water basin Sĺňava, which is officially named to be protected study area because there grow few plants in danger of extinction. E.g. Centaurium pulchellum, Linum austriacum, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Schrophularia umbrosa – which are also registered in list of all rare and endangered plants. The fauna around Piešťany is highly representated by animals typical for steppes and forest-steppes. In the basin, on the edges of forests live wild rabbits, hares, pheasants, partridges (because of high consumption of pesticides is their number decreasing). Feeded and hunted animals are mainly – in forests – stags, roebucks, boars, mufflons, sometimes wild cats or foxes. Parks and park-forests in Piešťany have very good conditions for life of birds. Ornithologists recorded 70 species of birds in observed areas from year 1962. For tourists are very attractive swans and gulls. Water basin Sĺňava became ,short time after it had been finished, very good place for life of birds that live near the water. It is possible to see here (during the migratory time of birds) gooses (Anser albifrons), wild ducks (Anser anser), cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo), mute swans (Cygnus olor). Other birds that Live here are grey heron (Ardea cinerea), Gallinula chloropus, little grebes (Podiceps caspicus) or Fullica atra. From the family of Laridae occur in Sĺňava mainly gulls (Larus), common terns (Sterna hirundo) and also Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia). At the end of summer is Sĺňava an ideal place for nests of ducks. 3.3 River Váh

3.3.1. Hydro-geographical information

River Váh is the biggest east-side tributary of river Danube. It’s length from the place where it spreads out of mountain to the mouth is 436 km. Váh is formed from the tributary of White Váh which springs under the mountain Kriváň, in height about 2026 meters above the sea level and the second tributary which is called Black Váh (springs under mountain Kráľova hoľa – 1670 m a.s.l.) Both there streams join near city Kráľova Lehota in height 665 m a.s.l. Váh flows through Piešťany from north to south, then it flows forward to Sereď and in Komárno it joins Danube in altitude 106 m.

Váh’s bottom is from gravel and the annual movement of gravel weired along the river is 50 000 m cubic. River Váh is the greatest water source of region where Piešťany belong. 3.3.2. Hydro-geologic information

The relief of area through which Váh flows is formed of rocks of tertiary age, partly mezolithic, rarely Paleolithic age. The area of Middle and West Beskydy is made of water non-permitting layer of rock, classical sea sediments, rhythmic changing of sandstones with clay. Outer west Carpathian mountains stand on Paleolithic sediments of slates and limestone. Inner layers are from sandstone and chalk limestone. Podunajská basin has structure of underlay from clay, gravel and sand. 3.3.3.Hydrologic information

Hydrologic relations of the flow of Váh are relatively good, if we are considering them from the agricultural point of view. Village Horná Streda has enough sources of water under earth and is rich for amount of water springs with different types of minerals. Váh is the main source of the underwater and it has important role in forming of regime of fulfilling of the water sources.

The average number of precipitation per year in Piešťany is 946 mm. During long lasting periods of rain there were raising floods in the past, if the river was no regulated by system of levees, dams and hydro centrals. The greatest flood was in august 1938. Literature records also catastrophic flood in august 1913. Annual year temperatures of water in river Váh in profiles:
- Under Kolonádny bridge 9,3°C
- Under Krajinský bridge 13,2°C
- Obtokové rameno * 10,7°C

Precipitation /year 1970/
- annual average 662,7 mm
- minimum 8,8 mm/ 24 hours
- maximum 90,0 mm/ 24 hours
- average for many years 600,0 mm

Barometric pressure
- annual average 751 mm
- maximal per year 768 mm
- minimal per year 727 mm

IV. Water basin Slnava

4.1 Water basin Drahovce-Madunice

Water basin Drahovce-Madunice is basin, with many functions, using part of river Váh between cities Piešťany and Hlohovec. In Piešťany it joins in 119,2th km on group of Váh’s cascade Kostolná – Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Horná Streda. The basin has been built in years 1956-1959.

It consists of water basin known as Sĺňava, dam in Drahovce, tributary of drainage canal and a hydro-central building. 4.1.1. Hydro-graphical information about basin

The basin is situated on straight flat ground, very close to Piešťany. The length of basin is 5,8 km.

The levees around basin are built up from gavel and sand material with steep slopes. Underwater trough serves as a way for water which passes through the levees to valley gravels. 4.1.2. Hydro-geological information

Quartet sediments – sands, clays, sandy clays and gravel-sandy sediments. Neogenic sediments – clays, sandy clays, rough sands, neogenic gravels. 4.1.3. Hydrologic information

- area of the water basin during the highest level of water 4,3 km
- overall volume 12,2 mil m
- volume of water in use 4,2 mil. m
measured by VÚVH Bratislava y.1978 only 3,3 mil. m
- stable volume 8,0 mil. m
- maximal flow of water Q 100 3400 m/s
- minimal flow of water Q min. 21,5 m/s
- average flow of water 153,9 m/s
- long-lasting average discharge per year 4845 mil. m
- average annual precipitation 928 mm

Water basin Sĺňava was planned as source of water for with many functions as for agriculture, uptake of industrial water, protecting of thermal sources in Piešťany, tourism and production of electric energy. 4.2 Description of areas of water basin Slnava

Water basin Sĺňava was built in 1959 by damming the rivers of Váh. It has area about 430 hectares and has a pear-like shape. The banks of the basin are from sand and gravel material, few times being tightened by gravel. After building the dam were the sides of basin in its southwest part strengthened by great rocks. In the sixty’s were on the shores planted willows and after time they spread to form continuous water-liking communities of willows of many species. They spread almost around whole Sĺňava. The levees are of different thickness and rise up to 130 cm above the water level. The way around basin was firstly a clay road, but later it had been covered with asphalt. The levees of basin, whose height is max. 8,9 m and their overall length is 7,2 km, are in fact zone of mezophilic meadows. Besides the surrounding levees of basin, there are also two wharfs. The left one is long 150 m and it is spread to a circle at its end to form Ratnovská bay. The second wharf is shorter, it forms little bay which serves as dockyard for water sports in Piešťany.

Both these wharfs are covered with asphalt. Important parts of water basin are draining troughs which provide the uptake of water to underlying sediments. From the point of view of ornithologists are important two localities. On the right side of Sĺňava is a special area where grow water-liking plants, mainly common reed, Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia and many others. By isolating this area from erosive soils of Sĺňava, by building of the dam and by active planting of vegetation was formed very important, although small locality for nesting of birds called Výsadba. The second locality is artificial gravel island Čajka (gull), which was built in year 1976 almost in the very center of the water basin. In present days it is 2,8 ha large and it became very important place for homes of many birds. The vegetation around Sĺňava is formed mainly of willow-poplar woods. Dominant wood there is Salix sp. Part of the area has meadow character and it is used despite the ban for gazing of animals. On the shores of Sĺňava are mainly planted with smaller types of willows (Salix sp.), which are regularly cut. The left shore is the rest of hydrophilic forest which were here long time ago. Hydrophilic vegetation developed mainly around the death arms of river Váh, but it is too small to be important for birds. During the building of the water basin Sĺňava had part of its original area absolutely different character than today. Mainly, it was much more deforested. The under-waters of Sĺňava were moistening the depressions of surrounding area, and this gave very good conditions for homes of birds living in mud. Continuous wadding of the canals which drifted through soil out of the basin and growing of vegetation eliminated this conditions and today’s look of the basin was formed. Negative acts today are mainly floods as the consequences of regulation of the water flow in Sĺňava, when the hydrologic circumstances are not positive. 4.3 Protected study area Slnava

Short time after the finishing the water basin there were seen some actions of people, who tried to protect the birds of Sĺňava. Ing. arch. Ľ. Mrňa and Mr. K. Duffek suggested formation of reservations for birds already in year 1963. They proposed areas where were secured good conditions for reproduction of species and their protection from the unwanted rush of tourism. The whole process was very difficult, but finally, in year 1980 (March, 1) the scientist succeeded.

On the base of notice of Culture department of those-age SSR was Sĺňava officially registered as protected study area. Division of areas in Sĺňava

Whole area of the protected land is 465 ha, from which 399 ha belongs to own protected area and 66 ha as protective belt. A – water area of basin, divided further into parts:
A1 – part of water area from Krajinský bridge up to dockyard of
A2 – part of water area from the dockyard of water-skiers up to water
delay left from sailing route of trip-ship Markus, as also left from
so-called scythe (promontory of the dam)
A3 – part of water area from the dockyard of water-skiers up to water
delay right from sailing route of trip-ship Markus, including this
B – Island Čajka (Gull), of known also as “Bird Island” in left part of
C – peninsula Výsadba on the right side of water basin
D – area meadow between dams, dams and draining canals divided
further into:
D1 – meadow between levees and grasslands above the basin
D2 – levees around Sĺňava
D3 – left and right draining canals of water basin Sĺňava
E – area beneath the water basin (known also as Priesaky)
4.4 Flora in Slnava

The water area is constantly surrounded by shrubby vegetation. It is formed mainly from many types of willows as e.g. Salix alba, Salix cinerea, Salix fragilis. From other woody tree we can find here alders (Alnus glutinosa), Clematis vitalba, Frangula alnus or wild roses. From herbs we can find mainly Angelica silvestris, Calystegia sepium, Calamagrostis epigeios. Very important is the occurrence of endangered Centaurium pulchellum which indicates community of stripped bottom of the water basin. Important are also island-like shrubs of canes, Typha angustifolia and Typha latifolia. On the peninsula Výsadba are mainly big communities of canes and Typha. In this area were also planted plants, that did not grow here naturally, and they found here very good conditions for growth, e.g. light-liking Butomus umbellatus and protected water-lily Nuphar lutea. The dams fulfill protective function, their slopes are covered with grass, regularly cut. They are warm and dry, and during years there have adapted xenophiles and semi xenophiles shrubs of grasses.

We can find here mainly Alyssum and Asperula cynanchica, but also many other.

Underneath the dams, near peninsula Výsadba is important occurrence of Aristolochia clematitis, which is the main food for protected and rare butterfly southern festoon (Zerynthia polyxena). The area under dam called Priesaky is formed mainly of the willow-poplar woods with high occurrence of alders (Alnus glutinosa), white poplar (Populus alba), black poplar (Populus nigra), white willow (Salix alba) and so on. The importance of plant species in Sĺňava is big mainly because it provides the possibility for birds to nest and it is a place for temporary home for many protected species of birds. Important is also the fact, that here occur ten species, which are inscribed in the list of rare and endangered taxons of Slovak flora. C – III – Endangered taxons
1. Centaurium pulchellum
2. Linum austriacum
3. Sagittaria sagittifolia
4. Serophularia umbrosa

C – IV – More important taxons, which need attention
1. Astragalus onobrychis
2. Bidens cernua
3. Butomus umbellatus
4. Cucubalus baccifer
5. Nuphar lutea
6. Valeriana officinalis

4.5 Fauna in Slnava

The most important part of fauna in Sĺňava are birds. Sĺňava lies on main migrating way of birds that, which spreads along Považie (valley along river Váh). Sĺňava is also a crossing, where meet arctic and Mediterranean species. We can see here arctic species as sanderling (Crocethia alba), dunlins and little stints (Calidris ferruginea, alpina and minutus), but also south European species purple heron (Ardea puprurea), great white egret and little egret (Egretta alba, Egretta garzetta), sqacco heron (Aredeola ralloides), bearded titmouse (Panurus biarmicus). Moustached warbler (Lusciniola melanopogon) occurs here also, but it is the edge of his occurrence in northern parts of Europe. From the birds that live near mud were in the area during migration time seen rare species like turnstone (Arenaria interpres), Haematopus ostralegus and fulicarius (Phalaropus lobatus). From others species live here mainly lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), plover (Pluvialis squatarola), jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus), and during the time of migration are not rare red-throated diver (Gavia stellata), black-throated diver (Gavia arctica), red-necked and other grebes (Podiceps cristatus, griseigena). Often is nest here wild gooses (Anser anser, Anser albifrons). During the autumn nest here ducks, which meet on the level of the water basin in big amounts. It is not rare to see a crowd of 6000- 8000 wild ducks. But the beats of prey decrease in amount year by year.

Their amount in the surrounding is decreasing, only sometimes there is seen kite (Milvus milvus) or Pandion haliaetus, very rarely also white-tailed eagle (Halialetus albicilla). On the other hand, the amount of gulls is substituted here in many species. In Sĺňava live two species, which only sometimes fly deep into European middle-lands. They are Strercorarius parasiticus and sea gull (Larus marinus). Fro other gulls were recorded Larus Fuscus, Larus argentatus, Larus canus (common gull), Larus minutus (little gull), Rissa tridactyla and Larus ridibundus (black-headed gull). The last one – black-headed gull – lives here in two localities. Those, which nest in Sĺňava, are migrating every autumn and instead of them are coming northern populations mainly from Baltic sea. To the most interesting transmigratory birds belong thrush-nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) and red-spotted bluethroat (Luscinia suecica). Very important is also they nesting of birds in Sĺňava during the winter, because the system of draining canals provides warmer water, which does not freeze in the winter (important are also the thermal waters). Different stand have, from all the species of birds, swans. The ornithologists found out that they live in Sĺňava in year 1963 during the spring migration time. Firstly, they were just 3-4 swans in groups, which were flying through or stayed for short rest. In year 1973 there were any swans in Piešťany. The increase in their number was recorded in year 1977. In winter 1981/1982 was seen formation of winter nesting on great swans. It is interesting, that they were attracted by feeding of gulls near the Kolonádny bridge. During that times they were living mainly on the slow arm of Váh. In years 1985/1986 the amount of winter swans reached 122 pieces. In present times are Piešťany the biggest winter nesting-place of swans in Slovakia. Sĺňava is not important only because of birds. For example lives here protected and very rare and endangered Europe-turtle. On the peninsula Výsadba lives many rare species of insects. For example endangered butterfly southern festoon and sometimes we can see also praying mantis (Mantis religiosa). The smallest organisms that live in the waters of Sĺňava are microscopic mushrooms as Ephydatia fluviatlis or Spongia lacustris, leeches (Hirudo medicinalis), water-spiders (Argyronetta aquatica), from microorganisms are here common types as in other lakes or ponds – daphnia (Daphnia magna), Diaptomus vulgaris. On the bottom of the water basin are many snails and organisms living in a shell (Planorbis corneus). Insects are one of the main parts of the ecosystem of Sĺňava.

They are important part of food chain, because they are food for many types of animals living in the waters of Sĺňava, or on the shores, in the air. They are eaten by fishes, spiders and birds. Some of them are parasitic – for example mosquitoes (Bittacus tipularius) – they are very dangerous and not pleasant for people, their larvae are rapacious. From mosquitoes we can find also Culex pipiens (females feed with blood, males suck nectar from flowers) and Anofeles maculipennis (known for spreading malaria). Very common are flies (Tabanus bovines, Haematopota pluvialis, Eristalomyia tenax), they feed with blood and nectars from flowers. Near the water surface, but also far from the water basin we can see insects like dragonflies. Interesting insect is Hydrometra stagnorum, which lives on the surface of water and feeds with smaller insects. From the fish occur carp (Cyprinus carpio), pikes, eels, common huchen and others. The plant-eating fishes were given artificially into the waters of the Sĺňava to regulate the amount of water plants in the water-basin, because in the summer they were overgrowing the slopes of the basin. On the bottom of river Váh and Sĺňava live crayfish, which are protected (Astacus fluviatilis). But not only fishes, birds, microorganisms and insects live near and in the waters of Sĺňava. Also mammals occur here, although in smaller amounts than the other animals. Protected is Ondatra zibethicus and on the shores lives in larger amounts Arvicola terrestris. 4.6 Ecosystem of the water basin

The ecosystem of Sĺňava belongs into the ecosystems of freshwater. Generally: The conditions of water environment

Physical and chemical characteristics of water environment are

4.7 Energy flow in the ecosystem

4.8 Anthropogenic activities and their influence at nature of Slnava

4.9 Glossary

V. Discussion
VI. Summary
6.1 Summary
6.2 Bibliography.

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