Company profile

Kategorie: Angličtina (celkem: 879 referátů a seminárek)

Company profile

(Company Profile)

The joint-stock company Biotika is an important pharmaceutical company and is situated right in the geographical centre of Europe, in the small town of Slovenská Ľupča, which lies 8 km from the town of Banská Bystrica, in the Slovakia. Biotika is one of the most important manufacturers working in the sphere of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

History of company

The company was established in 1953 and was founded as a manufacturer of the newest and most progressive drug-penicillin. In the year 1956 , company started to produce penicillin G. Biotika established its own laboratory of research and development in 1957. A year later it started production of penicillin V. In the year 1971 , Biotika established a new production segment the L-lysine and Biotika became at the same time the third manufacturer using biotechnological production-method of this amino acids.
On the 1st May 1992 , Biotika has been transformed to a joint-stok company and a new majority owner G.V.Pharma has controled the company through its majority stake.


The company´s activities are currently oriented on four main couses:
· Human assortment
· Veterinary assortment
· Agro assortment
· Other products

The human assortment includes antibiotics, hormones, vitamins and mineral preparations.
The Biotika company is working hard to provide with its agro-veterinary programme a satisfying reaction to particular needs of animal-production, which has been stricken with continuous problems, as in normal breeding circumstances the primary interest of breeders is to make their production profitable. Its the most famous product is Bimivit, which is offered for breeders, who have pigs and poultry.
Biotika started to produce a range of skin products for sensitive complexions 3 years ago. It is called Greenea.
Biotika produces a wide variety of injections in the form of dry powders, aqueous and oil solutions both for human and veterinary medicine. In the oral segment it produces antibiotic powders for preparation of suspensions which are then used in pediatry, as well as antibiotic tablets.

In the last three years Biotika managed to accumulate invetments, in purpose to solve certain ecological problems. This investment went into the development of an anaerobic process of liquidation of bio-mass waste. This bio-mass is a less pleasant by-product of various biotechnological processes.

Biotika places great emphasis also on air-protection, wheter againts gas emission or dust contamination.

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