
Kategorie: Matematika (celkem: 118 referátů a seminárek)

Informace o referátu:

  • Přidal/a: anonymous
  • Datum přidání: 02. září 2014
  • Zobrazeno: 816×

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Whereabouts are you from? order plendil Celebrity sex addicts who race off to the nearest rehab clinic after scandal breaks may hope to cull sympathy for their "disease," but scientists now say that hypersexuality looks notably different from drug addiction, at least in the brain. aciphex ec The White House, it seems, would prefer Larry Summers, Bill Clinton's U.S. Treasury Secretary who was also director of Barack Obama's National Economic Council. Summers is a distinguished economist, a former chief economist of the World Bank and briefly, until he was subsumed by controversy, president of Harvard University. (Summers writes a monthly column for Reuters.)

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