Animal research

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  • Datum přidání: 23. července 2006
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Animal research

English Thesis Animal Research Doctor Zola-Morgan stated in a speech to animal rights activists, "I've seen the impact of the animal rights movement. I believe this is an attack on science of the worst kind. If we allow it to prevail it will take us back to the dark ages." There has been a great debate going on whether or not animals should be used in research. But there is no question about how great the contribution animals have given to humans. The vast amount of information learned is also as great. We need animals for research; they provide information and research about humans that normally we couldn't get. Like doing research on fear or anger that would break ethical laws on humans we can do on animals to achieve results. Animal research has given us many cures and vaccines against polio, diphtheria, mumps, measles, rubella, and the extinction of smallpox. We need that kind of animal research. Another thing animal research does and has done is given us valuable medicines to help asthma, epilepsy, arthritis, ulcers, hypertension, and diabetes. Also without research on animals we never would have been able to get drugs tested and approved for use. Animals help us to teach and practice new surgical techniques to doctors who perform today's delicate cardiac, ear, eye, pulmonary, brain surgeries, and other live saving surgery's. And most people faced with their death would rather live even if it meant killing animals. Next, animals help other animals as well. Veterinarians must learn the surgical techniques first so they can perfect their skills before they use them on other animals. Drugs for animals also use animal research to find cures for animal disease. Of course there are ways to avoid using animals in research. The way is to use investigators, cell, tissue, organ, and computer models to help lower animal usage. Though it is only useful in preliminary phases of investigations and research. The best idea yet is of what England does to help reduce animal usage. In England do to the controversy over animal rights they only allow research to be done on human and animal cadavers or sick animals. Even though it may sound like good ideas the fact is there is no alternative to animal research. In many experimental situations, culture techniques, computer models, and cadavers do not capture "the physiological complexity' of the whole animal. And living systems are very complex.

The nervous system, blood stream, brain chemistry, and gland secretions are interrelated. It is impossible to explore, explain, or predict the course of many diseases or the effects of many treatments without observing or testing the entire living system. Animal research is necessary to maintain our society's well being and progression. With the help of animal research we are working on cures for Aids and Alzheimer's disease. Also with the help of animals 41 Nobel prizes have been awarded to scientists whose achievements depended on lab animals. The help animals have given us has help increase our life span from the turn of the century 28 years. Thus we need this kind of research to progress humanity and not let it slip us into the dark ages as Doctor Zola-Morgan stated. Human life needs to be considered first before that of animals. .

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